table tennis rules and penalties - Search
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  1. Table Tennis Rules [ Serving, Singles, Doubles, Penalties ] …

    • The table tennis sport has the following set of interesting rules & regulations for beginners to advanced level playing. See more

    Scoring Rules

    The score, as usual, begins at 0-0, and it’s the server that serves the ball first. Ping-pong sport comprises the following three integral components of score: a. Point: A player or team wins a point when the opponent’s … See more

    Serving Rules

    Initially, the ball should rest on a straight and motionless palm of the server’s hand. Later, it should be tossed up in … See more

    Rotation Rule For Doubles

    This rule makes it rather certain that both teammates have the opportunity to perform as the server and the receiver. This cycle is repeated after every eight points. The rule states; 1. When the change of service takes place, the p… See more

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