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based on epoxy resin, contains quartz aggregates and specific admixtures, has a delicate finishing and glossy colours and is ideal for areas that need to be kept per-
See results only from grc.sika.comPRODUCT DATA SHEE…
Sikadur®-42 Grout-Pak is a 3-component, 100 % solids, moisture-tolerant, epoxy …
Epoxy Grouts
Data Sheets Sustainability ... EPOXY GROUT FOR USE WITH THE …
SikaTile®-825 Epoxy Grout
SikaTile®-825 Epoxy Grout is a premium, Epoxy Grout and Mortar with Colored …
Do not subject cured epoxy grout to sudden temper-ature changes especially during …
A grout box equipped with an inclined trough attached to the form will enhance …
SikaGrout®-215 is a high early strength, pumpable, dual-shrinkage …
SikaGrout®-114 SA is a cementitious, free flowing, eco-nomical, general purpose, …
SikaFlow®-648 is a three-component epoxy resin-based precision grout used to …
Sikadur®-42 LE is a three-component, high perform-ance, high precision, low …
Sikadur®-42 HP, is a high strength, multi purpose, three-component, low …
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- Precision seating of baseplates Precision grouting of wind turbine tower bases requiring rapid strength gain Grouting under equipment, including heavy impact and vibratory machinery, reciprocating engines, compressors, pumps, presses, etc. Grouting for “pour-back” anchorage on post tensioning projects (e.g. segmental bridge) Grouting under crane ra...
Epoxy Grouts - Sika USA
Data Sheets Sustainability ... EPOXY GROUT FOR USE WITH THE ADVANCED PILE ENCAPSULATION SYSTEM. Sikadur®-6061 UW (formerly MBrace 6061UW) ... Sika …
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SikaTile®-825 Epoxy Grout is a premium, Epoxy Grout and Mortar with Colored Quartz. It is a three-component, 100%-solids, epoxy grout and mortar formulated for non-sag and non-slump …
Do not subject cured epoxy grout to sudden temper-ature changes especially during early curing stages. Contact Sika® Technical Services for control joint spa-cing on large base plate …
A grout box equipped with an inclined trough attached to the form will enhance the grout flow and minimize air encapsulation. Application Pour the mixed grout into the prepared forms from one …
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SikaGrout®-215 is a high early strength, pumpable, dual-shrinkage compensated, self-levelling, prebagged cementitious grout with extended working time to suit local ambient temperatures. …
SikaCeram® EpoxyGrout is a 2-component grout, based on epoxy resin, contains quartz aggregates and specific admixtures, has a delicate finishing and glossy colours and is ideal for …
Sikadur-42 Grout-Pak is a pre-proportioned, epoxy, …
Sikadur®-42 Grout-Pak is a 3-component, 100 % solids, moisture-tolerant, epoxy baseplate grouting system. 0.5 ft3 kit: Contains 0.9 gal. epoxy (Component A in 2 gal pail and Component B in a 2 gal. pail), and 50 lb. aggregate (Component …
Sikadur®-53 is a pourable, multi-functional high dens-ity epoxy grout based on a 2-component solvent free epoxy resin system containing fine fillers. Sikadur®-53 exhibits excellent …
Sikadur®-42 MP IN | Epoxy Grouts
Sikadur®-42 MP IN is a three component, multipurpose, solvent-free, moisture tolerant epoxy grouting system. For use at temperature between +25°C and +40°C.
SikaGrout®-114 SA is a cementitious, free flowing, eco-nomical, general purpose, non-shrink precision grout with high ultimate strength. SikaGrout®-114 SA is easy to use grout requiring …
SikaFlow®-648 | Epoxy Grouts
SikaFlow®-648 is a three-component epoxy resin-based precision grout used to secure critical equipment for proper alignment and transmission of static and dynamic loads.
Sikadur®-42 LP is a three-component, multipurpose, moisture tolerant, epoxy grouting system. For use at temperatures between +20°C and +40°C. Suitable for use in hot and tropical …
Sikadur®-42 Grout Pak LECA PRE-PROPORTIONED, PRECISION EPOXY GROUTING SYSTEM Description Sikadur®-42 Grout Pak LECA is a high strength, multi-purpose, three …
Sikadur®-42 LE is a three-component, high perform-ance, high precision, low exothermic, moisture toler-ant, epoxy grouting system. For use at ambient tem-peratures between +20 °C …
Sikadur®-42 HP, is a high strength, multi purpose, three-component, low exotherm, low dusting, solvent-free, moisture-insensitive, epoxy grouting system de-signed to seat and support high …
STELLAR™ Stain Proof Epoxy Grout - MYK LATICRETE
STELLAR™ Grout is a high-performance, ready-to-use grout designed for a wide range of substrates, offering exceptional durability, stain resistance and colour stability for both interior …
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Follow standard industry and Sika guidelines for use as an anchoring epoxy. For pourable grout, construct forms to retain grout without leakage. Forms should be lined or coated with bond …
Sikadur®-42 HE is a three-component, high perform-ance, high precision, moisture tolerant, epoxy grouting system. For use at temperatures between +5 °C and. +30 °C. Sikadur®-42 HE …
Sikadur®-42 (au) is a 3-component pourable grout based on epoxy resin and selected aggregates. Sikadur®-42 (au) cures to form a hardened mortar with excellent adhesion to …
Epoxy grouts are also known for their durability in high-temperature envi- ... the Product Data Sheets prior to any use and processing. SIKA CORPORATION. 201 Polito Avenue. Lyndhurst, …
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