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The potential for sustainable rainwater management through domestic rainwater harvesting based on real rainfall Ewa Burszta-Adamiak*1) , Aleksandra Przybylska2) 1) Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Grunwaldzki Square 24, 50-363 Wrocław, Poland
Flash floods – an increasingly common concern for local …
Jun 1, 2023 · Flash floods, rainfall floods, urban floods, or flash floods in English, are the most common terms for phenomena that regularly haunt modern Polish cities. The drought that has characterized recent years in our country could indicate that there is no threat of flooding and waterlogging in favor of a problem with access to water.
Wymiarowanie zbiorników retencyjnych ścieków deszczowych na …
Current progress in hydrodynamic modeling of urban drainage systems enables better modeling and dimensioning of stormwater reservoirs. According to new German DWA-A 117 guidelines, hydrodynamic simulations based on local, long-lasting rainfall time series are obligatory for dimensioning of stormwater reservoirs installed on drainage systems with area in …
International Journal of Conservation Science - Journal - Bridge of ...
Increasing a city’s resilience against climate change is one of the major concerns of today. Sustainable stormwater management, using Green Infrastructure units (GI) integrated with an urban area, has proved to be effective in flooding control and to offer extra benefits encompassing groundwater recharge, stormwater treatment, mitigation of air …
retencja.pl - Strategia, zarządzanie, gospodarowanie wodami …
Zajmujemy się zarządzaniem i gospodarowaniem wodami opadowymi. Dostarczamy kompleksowe rozwiązania, które pomagają dostosowywać infrastrukturę do zmian klimatycznych. Kliknij!
Modelling of hydraulics and pollutants transport in sewer systems 7 Notation Latin letters A – stream cross sectional area (m 2), Ac – surface of chamber (m 2), Ap – coefficient depended on the probability of rain occurrence and the average annual amount of precipitation (dm 3 min 0.67 s–1 ha –1), AS – subcatchment area per junction (ha), ae – empirical exponent (-),
RainBrain - retencja.pl
This is a modern platform for visualizing data from rain gauges, meteorological and hydrological stations, and other measurement devices. RainBrain enables: Detailed presentation and analysis of data, Obtaining information on the spatial distribution of rainfall in the city, Support in decision-making and investment planning, In the application,…
Home - Viacon PL
Combining more than three decades of experience with today’s cutting-edge technology, ViaCon is a pioneer in the field of Bridges & Culverts-, GeoTechnical- and StormWater Solutions.
PANDa - retencja.pl
PANDa suits the needs of cities, companies and designers in water and sewage industry. Valid rainfall data from the past three decades, taken by 100 rain gauges which meet the Polish measurement standards, in the basis for PANDa platform. Having precise and actual readings enables correct prediction of future risks occurring in a …
128 „Drogownictwo” 4/2017 Powierzchniowe systemy infi ltracyjne z możliwością retencji wody jako metoda odwadniania nawierzchni dróg i ulic System odwodnienia na-wierzchni obejmuje zespół ele-
158 Inżynieria Ekologiczna Nr 26, 2011 Ładunek zanieczyszczeń niesiony z wodami deszczowymi jest porównywalny z ładunkiem zanieczyszczeń pochodzącym ze ścieków komunalnych.
Home - Control System
CONTROL SYSTEM is a Poland-based company with the headquarters in Poznań. We offer modern, innovative SCADA solutions for flowmeters, water/wastewater pumping stations, wastewater treatment plants, and other intelligent solutions used in sanitary, stormwater, and waterworks operations.
Archives of Environmental Protection - PAS Journals - Polish …
Archives of Environmental Protection is the oldest Polish scientific journal of international scope that publishes articles on engineering and environmental protection. The quarterly has been published by the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences since 1975.
Ewa Wojciechowska - Profil naukowy - MOST Wiedzy
Diffuse pollution formed during a surface runoff on paved surfaces is a source of heavy metals (HMs) of various origin. This research study indicates the connection between bottom sediments of retention tanks located on urban streams and road sweeping wastes (RSW) that migrate during surface runoff to the stormwater drainage systems with discharge to the retention tanks.
No 59 - Journal of Water and Land Development
Key words: cultivar, environment, genotype-by-environment interaction, soybean, soybean yield, yield components
The new „My Water” programme - Portal Gov.pl
Jun 2, 2020 · Up to PLN 5 thousand in subsidies for home stormwater or snowmelt retention systems will be available under the new “My Water” programme. The programme is another initiative of the Ministry of Climate and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management which will invest 100 million in mitigating the effects of drought in Poland. The call for proposals will commence in July.
ACO na 23. Targach Grupy PSB: 3-5 marca 2025, Kielce
Dzień I. Konferencja — 3 marca 2025 r. (poniedziałek) 9.00-11.00 Rejestracja Uczestników – odbiór identyfikatorów, przerwa kawowa; 11.00-12.30 „Grupa PSB jako ekosystem las – siła różnorodności i wspólnych celów” – panel Zarządu GPSB; 12.30-13.00 Przerwa kawowa; 13.00-14.00 „Indywidualne korzyści we wspólnym działaniu” – panel dyskusyjny
Rain gardens - Aeris Futuro Foundation
Sponge cities. Weather forecasts predict an increase in the effects of climate change, such as precipitation and high winds, causing flooding, damage to infrastructure and traffic problems in cities.
Warsaw Wetlands - Centrala
Warsaw Wetlands project for the exhibition Futurama: Warsaw at the ZODIAK Warsaw Pavilion of Architecture, November 2018–February 2019 curator: Jakub Szczęsny. CENTRALA (with Aleksandra Zawistowska) model by Kuba Morkowski, Adam Perka . the project is part of Warsaw Wetscape series
Biblioteka Regionalisty Regional Journal Year 2023, No. 23 ISSN 2449-9781. Greening and ‘De-concreting’ of Polish Cities – Directions, Best Pract ice