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Appropriate Backer-Rod Size SIZING CLOSED-CELL BACKER-ROD 1. For joint widths up to 3/4" (19 mm), the diameter of the rod should be 1/8" (3 mm) larger than the width of the joint. 2. For …
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Backer Rod forms a proper bond between the back-up material and the sealant. It can also be used as a temporary joint seal. Commonly used for glazing operations, window and door …
SOF® Rod is a soft bi-cellular polyethylene foam backer rod used in concrete construction. It is comprised of both open and closed cells that will not out-gas when skin is ruptured and …
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- Sika® backing rods is manufactured from extruded polyethylene foam, available in rods with different diameters and lengths.
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2. Exclusively Sold By: Backer Rod Mfg. Inc. 4244 Broadway Denver, CO 80216 Phone: 800-595-2950 Fax: 303-308-0393 Website: www.backerrod.com Product Description: Per ASTM C …
Standard Backer Rod is an ideal non-absorbent compressible backup material for insertion into a joint to, control sealant depth, create a backstop to allow proper sealant tooling, allow proper sealant of the joint surfaces, and yield a proper …
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ADSEAL BACKER ROD SR-2600 is a soft, non-gassing, pliable, bi-cellular backup material for construction joints and application that require sealants. It performs as depth control for …
To install, compress backer-rod into the joint before sealants are applied. Install backer-rod using a blunt probe or a plain-faced roller to force the rod to the desired depth. A template or roller …
LAMBCO® BACKER ROD is used in horizontal and vertical applications and is ideal on many types of construction projects including, but not limited to isolation, expansion and coping …
SikaSeal®-414 Backer Rod is a non absorbent, com-pressible grey closed cell polyethylene foam backing material. As a backing material for cold applied joint and as a joint filler in order to …
M-D Building Product Backer Rod is an extruded, round, closed cell, low density polyethylene with a skin- like outer texture. It is flexible and compressible for easy installation.
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Sika® Backer Rod PH
PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sika® Backer Rod PH POLYETHELENE FOAM BACKING ROD DESCRIPTION Sika® Backer Rod PH is closed-cell, extruded poly-ethelene foam backing …
Sika® Backer Rod Fire is a workable, mineral wool based backing material wrapped with a glass-fibre yarn. USES Sika® Backer Rod Fire is designed for fire resistant joint sealing in horizontal …
Product Name: Denver Foam® open cell polyurethane foam backer rod. Other Names: Flexible polyurethane foam (FPF), prime foam, bonded foam, densified foam, HR foam, foam, and …
LAMBCO® BACKER ROD is a polyethylene-based closed-cell backing material manufactured for joints and areas requiring filler material on construction projects.
ADSEAL BACKER ROD ST-2400 is a round, black, resilient extruded closed cell polyethylene backer rod with a water-resistant outer skin. It is compatible with cold applied sealants …
BoMetals Supply of Backer Rod is an ideal non absorbent compressible backup material inserted into a joint to control sealant depth, creating a backstop to allow proper sealant tooling. It can …
SikaSeal®-414 Backer Rod UK | Primers and Ancillaries
Product Data Sheet Show all documents SikaSeal®-414 Backer Rod UK Polyethylene Foam Joint Backer Rod. SikaSeal®-414 Backer Rod is a non absorbent, compressible grey closed cell …
Sika® Backer Rod Fire is a circular, compressible, min-eral wool based backing rod wrapped with a glass fibre yarn. Backing rod for fire resistant joint sealing in horizont-al and vertical building …
Sika® Foam Backer Rod Closed Cell has excellent cpmression and recovery properties, is available and various sizes and lengths. The round profile assists in providing the correct joint …
Round, flexible, continuous lengths of open-celled polyurethane foam backer rod for use as a backing material for elastomeric and other cold-applied sealants. -Easy to apply
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