Sidewalk Access Ramp - Search
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  1. Chapter 4: Ramps and Curb Ramps - United States Access Board

    • [§303.4] Ramps and curb ramps are required along accessible routes to spanchanges in level greater than ½”. Elevators and, under certain specifiedconditions, platform lifts, can be used a… See more

    Slope and Cross Slope

    [§405.2] Slope represents the proportion of vertical rise to horizontal lengthand is specified in the Standards as a ratio (e.g., 1:12). It also canbe expressed as a percentage… See more

    U.S. Access Board
    Clear Width

    [§405.5] Ramp runs must have a clear width of 36″ minimum (measured betweenhandrails where provided). The width of ramps that are part of a meansof egress ma… See more

    U.S. Access Board

    [§405.6] The height of runs is limited (30″ maximum), but there is no limit on thenumber of runs a ramp may have. Long ramps with many runs can bestrenuous for people usin… See more

    U.S. Access Board
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