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Drainage Grates, Frames and Curb Inlets - EJ
See results only from ejco.comLinear Trench Grates Square and Rectangular INFRA-RISER® Adjustment Risers
Curb Inlet, Curb Inlet Grate, Curb Box Inlet - J.R. Hoe
10 rows · A curb inlet or combination inlet is normally comprised of a frame, …
See all 10 rows on jrhoe.comCATALOG A B C HOE-399 16-1/16 x 23 2 20-7/8 x 22 HOE-445 19-7/8 x 22-7/8 1-1/2 17-1/2 x 20-1/4 HOE-360 19-7/8 x 22-7/8 1-1/2 17-1/2 x 20-1/4 KY-465* 18 x 24 1-1/4 22 x 22
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Drainage Grates, Frames and Curb Inlets - EJ
Drainage Grates & Curb Inlets - SIP Industries
Frame Options: L-Type, Reversible, Curb Inlets and Hinged; Grate Options: ADA Compliant Options, Different Slots for Optimal Flow, Special designs for beautification projects; Hood Options: Bolted & Custom
Curb inlets | ParkUSA
Neenah Extended Catalog - Neenah R-3501 to R-3808 Roll
24" x 24" Grate for Driveway and Mountable Curb and Inlet Frame With Round Base Flange
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Neenah Foundry Inlet Frames, Covers & Accessories | Ferguson
Find expert-curated Inlet Frames, Covers & Accessories products from the #1 US plumbing supplier and top distributor of HVAC, waterworks, and MRO products.
Nyloplast Drainage Structures by Advanced Drainage …
Nyloplast products can be delivered to your jobsite in less than a week. Nyloplast drain basins are custom built for each application. Our PVC products are more durable and corrosion resistant than precast basins.
Nyloplast Grates Commercial & Residential - ADS Pipe
Nyloplast® Grates. Nyloplast offers a wide variety of ductile iron castings from light duty drop in grates to heavy duty 2 ft. x 3 ft. curb inlets as well as decorative bronze grate options. These castings easily connect to our basins and piping …
Inlets – The Precast Company
Inlets -TYPE “B” Curb –Our Type B curb water inlet structures have raised grates and are engineered and manufactured in a variety of styles and sizes to meet state/local standards. Inlet/Catch Basin components such as grates, knock …
Inlets - The Turner Company
Drain inlets incorporated into a curb and gutter system convey runoff to a storm sewer. Inlets have larger grates, knockouts, and flow capacity than catch basins, and have no sump to catch …
Manhole & draingage grates are available in a variety of sizes and provide easy maintenance acess, while still protecting critical infrastructure from vandalism, and other concerns. …
» EJ 4000-5999 Inlets & Grates - Trench Drain Supply
V4067-2 Curb Inlet Grate "Dump no waste, Drains to waterways" Price $875.00. Add to cart. Product ID V-4069-1. Manufacturer EJ (formerly East Jordan) 43 11/16" Curb and Gutter Inlet. …
Hydraulic Design Manual: Storm Drain Inlets - Texas Department …
Curb opening inlets are useful in sag and on-grade situations because of their self-cleansing abilities and hydraulic efficiency. Additionally, they are often preferred over grate inlets …
Roll Curb Inlet, Drive Over Inlet, and Concave Inlet - J.R. Hoe
Roll Curb Inlets, also known as Drive Over Inlets, or Concave Inlets are grates normally installed in a low lying area to prevent ponding water. If an inlet needs to be in a drive way or entrance , …
37" Catch Basin Curb Inlet w/ M4 Grate - Trench Drain Supply
Neenah R-2014 to R-2994 Inlet Frames & Grates; Neenah R-3000 to R-3473 Combo Inlets; Neenah R-3475 to R-3499 Airport Castings; ... 37" Catch Basin Curb Inlet w/ M4 Grate. …
5' Curb Inlet - Oldcastle Infrastructure
Curb inlet top sections install flush with curbsides to allow stormwater to flow into the underground system= Available with grate access or manhole ring and cover access; Our frames and …
Precast Concrete Storm Drain Inlets | Del Zotto Products of Texas
Precast concrete storm drain inlets are used in a variety of ways to collect storm water into drainage infrastructure. Del Zotto manufactures several different types of precast concrete …
Catch Basins, Inlets & Grates - AQUALIS
Also referred to as gutters, storm grates or curb drain inlets, catch basins are the first line of defense against property flooding. Visible from above, these assets may vary in placement on …
Curb Inlet With Riser - Oldcastle Infrastructure
Curb inlet top sections install flush with curbsides to allow stormwater to flow into the underground system= Available with grate access or manhole ring and cover access; Our frames and …
Towards Green Stormwater Infrastructure: A Review of the …
Mar 1, 2025 · The curb inlet and grate inlet combination in composite depressed curb inlet cases were able to deal with all the road surface runoff for the small longitudinal slope (S0 = 0.1% …