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  1. FREE Year 4 Maths Worksheets, Tests & Homework …

    Year 4 Maths Worksheets to improve fluency, mental maths and arithmetic skills: Fluent in Five

    Fluent in Five worksheets provide a series of questions designed to take no more than 5-10 minutes and to help children develop their written and mental mathsskills. Developing maths fluency in a key skill for children, especially in Year 4 with the newly-introduced times tables check to work towards. …

    Year 4 Maths Worksheets to improve fluency, mental maths and arithmetic skills: Fluent in Five

    Fluent in Five worksheets provide a series of questions designed to take no more than 5-10 minutes and to help children develop their written and mental mathsskills. Developing maths fluency in a key skill for children, especially in Year 4 with the newly-introduced times tables check to work towards. Download the FREE Fluent in Five Arithmetic Pack (Year 4) Weeks 1-6

    Year 4 Maths Worksheets for improving reasoning and problem solving skills: Rapid Reasoning

    The Rapid Reasoning resource was created to fulfil the greater emphasis that a maths mastery approach gives to children’s ability to reason well. ‘Explaining your reasoning’ is a key part of maths lessons in Key Stage 2, and these free worksheets (six weeks’ worth in total) help children improve their reasoning skills. This pack comes with six weeks of questions, with 3 questions focused on solving problems and reasoning per day. Download the FREE Rapid Reasoning (Year 4) Weeks 1-6

    Third Space Learning

    Year 4 Maths Test: Times Tables

    Knowing their multiplication tables is one of the key maths skills every child should have by the time they leave primary school, and Year 4 children will have this skill tested through the multiplication tables check. These times tables practice tests provide a quick and clear way to help children practise, and spot any gaps in their knowledge. No more worries about getting caught out on the 7x table! Download the FREE Times Tables Packs

    Year 4 Maths Worksheets for times tables: Tarsia Puzzles Mixed Times Tables Pack

    These times tables worksheets are a fun way to practise times tables facts and related division facts independently and develop mental arithmetic skills. Download the PREMIUM Tarsia Puzzles Mixed Times Tables Pack

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    Year 4 Maths Worksheets place value: Word Problems

    This worksheet contains eleven increasingly difficult questions about number and place value. A great choice whether you want to help a child revise this topic, or give a high achiever something more challenging to do as homework! Word Problems Place Value (Year 4)

    Year 4 Maths Worksheets place value: Worked Examples

    Students love to be the teacher! This worksheet includes five completed questions, but they haven’t always been answered correctly. Pupils need to check to see if the given answer is correct and explain any errors they find. The questions in this worksheet include rounding, representing numbers and estimating on a number line. Worked Examples Place Value Year 4

    Year 4 Maths Worksheets place value: Maths Code Crackers

    Recap place value including Roman numerals, digit value and comparing numbers using this fun maths worksheet. Pupils are tasked with solving 15 place value questions in order to crack the code and find the punchline to a jo…

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    Year 4 Maths Worksheets for addition and subtraction: Maths Code Crackers

    Sometimes a simple set of fluency questions can be engaging. This worksheet focuses on calculations including up to 4-digit numbers add 4-digit numbers and up to 4-digit numbers subtract 4-digit numbers, all with the aim of finding answers and the punchline to a halloween themed joke. Maths Code Crackers Addition and Subtraction Year 4

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    Year 4 Maths Worksheets for addition and subtraction: Worked Examples

    While children will have looked at formal column addition and subtraction, there are many common mistakes that even the most experienced amongst them can make. This worksheet highlights the common errors when using formal written methods, estimating and identifying related facts for addition and subtraction calculations. Worked Examples Addition and Subtraction Year 4 Word Problems Addition and Subtraction Year 4 Maths Code Crackers Addition and Subtraction Year 4 Extension Questions Addition...

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