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The sun may appear green due to several factors:
- Atmospheric Scattering: When the sun is low in the sky, such as during sunrise or sunset, its light passes through more atmosphere, scattering shorter wavelengths (green, blue, violet) and making it appear yellow, orange, or red1.
- Emission Spectrum: The sun emits light most strongly in the green part of the spectrum, specifically at a wavelength of 500.7 nanometers2.
- Visual Perception: Our eyes cannot perceive the actual color of the sun, which is said to be green; instead, we see it as yellow or white due to atmospheric effects3.
- Space Observation: If viewed from space, the sun appears white because it emits strongly across all visible colors, including green5.
Thus, while the sun emits green light, atmospheric conditions and human perception affect how we see it.
Learn more:✕This summary was generated using AI based on multiple online sources. To view the original source information, use the "Learn more" links.When we see the Sun at sunrise or sunset, when it is low in the sky, it may appear yellow, orange, or red. But that is only because its short-wavelength colors (green, blue, violet) are scattered out by the Earth's atmosphere, much like small waves are dispersed by big rocks along the shore.solar-center.stanford.edu/SID/activities/GreenSun.…The reason these appear green is because their light arises from a specific electron transition — within ions of doubly-ionized oxygen — which occurs at a monochromatic wavelength: 500.7 nanometers, a very green-colored wavelength.bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/what-color-is-the-s…The Washington Post reported that our eyes cannot handle seeing the actual color of the sun, which is green, so we see the sun as yellow or white. “The sun would appear green if your eye could handle looking at it,” project scientist of NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, W. Dean Pesnell, said.www.deseret.com/2023/5/12/23720290/what-color …If we were above the atmosphere, say on the International Space Station and looked at the sun (through our filtered visor), the sun would appear white! Why? Because though the sun emits strongest in the green part of the spectrum, it also emits strongly in all the visible colors – red through blue (400nm to 600nm).
eclipse2017.nasa.gov/what-color-sunWhy do some people think the Sun is green? The Sun is white. It appears yellow from Earth because of scattering from the atmosphere. It’s peak visible light is in the green part of the spectrum. If pictures from the ISS or Moon don’t convince you the Sun is white, then get yourself a prism and examine the spectrum of light.
sciencenotes.org/what-color-is-the-sun-hint-not-yell…Why is there sometimes a green flash at sunset and …
May 19, 2024 · As the sun dips below the horizon and the light starts to dim, lucky observers may spot a rare, brief flash of emerald. This is the "green flash," which can sometimes be seen right after...
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Apr 12, 2022 · Why do some people think the Sun is green? The Sun is white. It appears yellow from Earth because of scattering from the atmosphere. It’s peak visible light is in the green part of the spectrum. If pictures from the ISS or …
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What Causes the Green Flash at Sunset and Sunrise?
Feb 7, 2018 · Green flashes occur near sunrise and sunset. The flashes of green and even blue light last only seconds. They are due to the bending of light in the atmosphere. It's a visual too brilliant to...
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