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- Pius IX (born May 13, 1792, Senigallia, Papal States—died February 7, 1878, Rome; beatified September 3, 2000feast day February 7) was the Italian head of the Roman Catholic church whose pontificate (1846–78) was the longest in history and was marked by a transition from moderate political libera...www.britannica.com/biography/Pius-IX
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Pope Pius IX - Wikipedia
In 1850, after French troops defeated the revolutionary Roman Republic and returned him from exile, the Pope reversed the Republic's religious freedom laws and issued a series of anti-liberal measures, including re-instituting the Jewish ghetto. See more
Pope Pius IX (Italian: Pio IX; born Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti; 13 May 1792 – 7 February 1878) was head of the Catholic Church from 1846 to 1878. His reign of nearly 32 years is the longest verified of any See more
The conclave of 1846, following the death of Pope Gregory XVI (1831–1846), took place in an unsettled political climate within Italy. The conclave was steeped in a factional division between right and left. The conservatives on the right favoured the hardline … See more
Pius IX was not only pope but, until 1870, also the last sovereign ruler of the Papal States. As a secular ruler he was occasionally referred to as "king", though it is unclear whether the See more
Several times during his pontificate, Pius IX considered moving from Rome. On 24 November 1848, facing a rebellion by Italian nationalists, he fled to Gaeta in the Kingdom of the Two … See more
Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti was born on 13 May 1792 in Senigallia. He was the ninth child born into the noble family of Girolamo dei Conti Mastai-Ferretti (1750–1833), grandnephew of Pietro Girolamo Guglielmi, and wife Caterina Antonia Maddalena … See more
Cardinal Mastai Ferretti entered the papacy in 1846, amidst widespread expectations that he would be a champion of reform and … See more
Pius IX was the last pope who also functioned as a secular ruler and the monarch of the Papal States, ruling over some 3 million subjects from 1846 to 1870, when the newly founded Kingdom of Italy seized the remaining areas of the Papal States by force of … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Popes, In Sequence [Catholic-Hierarchy]
268 rows · May 13, 2020 · * indicates the Pope was not already a bishop at the time of his …
See all 268 rows on catholic-hierarchy.org# PAPAL NAME BIRTH DATE CONCLAVE START 266 Francis 17 Dec 1936 12 Mar 2013 265 Benedict XVI 16 Apr 1927 18 Apr 2005 264 John Paul II 18 May 1920 14 Oct 1978 263 John Paul I 17 Oct 1912 25 Aug 1978
Pius IX | Pope, Italian Statesman & Papal Reformer | Britannica
- Pius IX (born May 13, 1792, Senigallia, Papal States—died February 7, 1878, Rome; beatified September 3, 2000feast day February 7) Italian head of the Roman Catholic church whose pontificate (1846–78) was the longest in history and was marked by a transition from moderate political liberalism to conservatism. Notable events of his reign included th...
Pope Pius IX | Catholic Answers Encyclopedia
On September 29, 1850, he reestablished the Catholic hierarchy in England by erecting the Archdiocese of Westminster with the twelve suffragan Sees of …
- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Complete Chronological List of All Popes from Peter to Present
Oct 6, 2017 · In the history of the Church, there have been 266 popes, from St. Peter to Pope Francis. Some popes have also been members of religious orders, such as: Disciple of Jesus …
Pius Ix - Encyclopedia.com
Jun 27, 2018 · Pius IX and Cardinal Antonelli invoked the intervention of France, Austria, Spain, and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and these Catholic powers over-turned the Second …
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Five facts about Blessed Pius IX: The Pope who died …
Feb 7, 2023 · In 1850 he returned to that city, but had lost the Papal States. Those who worked against him proclaimed the Kingdom of Italy in 1861, and Rome became the Italian capital in 1871. Pius IX declared himself a "prisoner" …
Why Pius IX Might Be The 'Most Important Pope' In Modern …
Apr 24, 2018 · Pius became pope in 1846. He was the last pope to rule over the Papal States, which covered much of what is now Italy. There was no separation of church and state until a …
Bl. Pope Pius IX - Vatican
Sep 3, 2000 · After the proclamation of the Roman Republic (9 February 1849), he moved to Portici and later returned to Rome (12 April 1850). He reorganized the Council of State, …
Pius IX, Papal States, Syllabus Errorum - Britannica
Jan 25, 2025 · In the last years of his papacy he also moved away from his more liberal encyclicals and showed his more conservative nature. In 1950 he became the first pope since Vatican I to exercise the right of defining doctrine, …
A History of the Popes, 1830–1914 - First Things
The Jubilee Years of 1800 and 1850 were canceled altogether because of civil unrest and revolution, and the Jubilee of 1875 was reduced in scope after Pius IX declared himself a …
Papal States under Pope Pius IX - Wikipedia
In 1850, he created a governmental finance congregation consisting of four lay persons with finance background for the twenty provinces. The chronic budget deficit disappeared by 1858. …
Chronological List of Popes - Catholic Faith
Mar 13, 2013 · Revered as a saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 27 August. First Pope to bear the same name as his predecessor. Member of the Order of Saint Benedict. …
Pius IX (Boston Collaborative Encyclopedia of Western Theology)
In 1850, Pius restored the Catholic hierarchy in England and in 1853 did the same in the Netherlands. Both actions were strongly distrusted and resented as political affronts in Europe, …
Aug 18, 2017 · Yet Pasolini believed in the destiny of Sardinia to rule Italy and, since he stood for the declara tion of war against Austria, early in 1848 he became estranged from the Pope. We …
A History of the Popes 1830-1914 - Oxford Academic
Apr 16, 1998 · The nuances in the attitude of each individual pope are traced through such major events as the revolutions of 1848, the First Vatican Council, the taking of Rome by Italian …
Pius IX and the Immaculate Conception Dogma | EBSCO
The dogma emphasized the pope’s role as the primary voice on matters of faith, laying the groundwork for the later doctrine of papal infallibility. ... Roman Catholic cardinal, prime …
The Re-establishment of the Catholic Hierarchy in England, 1850
But in 1850, partly to better administer to the large number of Catholic Irish flocking into England after the Irish Famine, the Catholic Church re-established its full hierarchy. For the first time …
A History of the Popes 1830-1914 - Oxford Academic
Nov 1, 2003 · Pius IX used his power to impose new Church hierarchies in Britain and the Netherlands, to impose the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin, and generally …
The great fear: The restoration of the catholic hierarchy in …
May 22, 2009 · The action by the Pope in 1850 in restoring the Catholic hierarchy in England touched off a brief, but intense, debate over the status of the Catholic Church in that country. …
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