where do rainbow lorikeets nest - Search
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  1. Rainbow Lorikeet Nesting: A Complete Guide - Birdfact

    • Rainbow Lorikeets nest in deep cavities in the trunks of large trees. Generally speaking, they tend to nest in eucalypts and other trees in the Myrtaceae family (commonly known as paperbarks, honey-myrtle… See more

    What Do Rainbow Lorikeet Nests Look Like

    Because Rainbow Lorikeet nests are inside trees, you rarely will see one. Usually, inside the cavity, the floor is lined with wood chips that are a suitable base for the eggs. Occasionall… See more

    What Time of The Year Do Rainbow Lorikeets Nest

    The nesting time for Rainbow Lorikeets varies depending on their location. In South-Eastern parts of Australia, the nesting season is usually between August and Januar… See more

    How Long Do Rainbow Lorikeets Nest For

    On average, Rainbow Lorikeets nest for around to 57 days. This is the total time required to lay the eggs, care for the chicks and for then the chicks to be ready to fledge the nest. O… See more

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