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Our Patron Saint: St. Henry - sainthenrys.org
He died near Gottingen, Germany, in 1024, and was buried at the great Cathedral of Bamberg where also his saintly wife was buried. Henry was canonized a saint in 1146 and his feast day is July 13.
See results only from sainthenrys.orgWeekly Bulletins
Weekly Church Bulletins. Click to view our recent bulletins. March 9, 2025. March …
Hispanic Ministry
Father Muniz had this announcement spread to Latinos living north and south, …
Mass Times
MASS SCHEDULE ENGLISH SPANISH; Daily: 8:00am: 7:00pm: Saturday Vigil: …
Confirmation. Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together …
Baptism. Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life …
Contact St. Henry Church. 1500 South Andrews Avenue Pompano Beach, …
Matrimony. The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish …
A message from Father Francis: The occasion of the scholarship award …
Council for Catholic Women. This council is open to all women of our parish. It …
On June 9, 2018, Saint Henry's held their annual community event, Open to All: …
St. Henry - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
His holy death occurred at the castle of Grone, near Halberstad, in 1024. His feast day is July 13th. He is the patron saint of the childless, of Dukes, of the handicapped and those rejected by Religious Order. Bl. Henry Abbot →. …
St. Henry II Feast day: Jul 13 - Catholic News Agency
Jul 13, 2011 · After several years of illness, St. Henry II died in July of 1024. The public mourned sincerely for the monarch who had managed to lead his earthly kingdom so responsibly without losing...
Saint Henry - My Catholic Life!
In 1002, Holy Roman Emperor Otto III died suddenly at the age of twenty-one without an heir, leaving the throne vacant. As Otto’s cousin, Henry made a …
- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Saint Henry - Franciscan Media
Saint Henry, a German king and Holy Roman Emperor, lived life according to the customs of his times, but did it in a holy way. He is a clear witness to the holiness of secular life lived …
Saint Henry the Emperor (1024) - Catholicism.org
Saint Henry the Emperor lived from 972 to 1024. He was fifty two years old when he died. He was one of the great supporters of the Benedictine Order. Numberless Benedictine monasteries were built or restored by him. He himself …
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Henry II - Catholic Saints Day
In the context of Catholic saints, the king who died in a jousting accident was King Henry II of France. He was mortally wounded in a tournament held to celebrate the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis in 1559 and died shortly thereafter.
July 13: Saint Henry II - Catholic Telegraph
Jul 13, 2022 · After several years of illness, St. Henry II died in July of 1024. The public mourned sincerely for the monarch who had managed to lead his earthly kingdom so responsibly without losing sight of the Kingdom of God. Pope …
In 1022 Henry lay on his bed of death. He gave back to her parents his wife, St. Cunegunda, "a virgin still, as a virgin he had received her from Christ," and surrendered his own pure soul to …
About St. Henry - Patron Saint Article - Catholic Saint …
St. Henry was born to the Duke of Bavaria and his wife, the daughter of the King of Burgundy, in 972. He received a good education from St. Wolfgang and at the age of 23, succeeded as Duke of Bavaria. His cousin passed away seven …
Saint Henry - Loyola Press
Henry is buried in the Cathedral of Bamberg beside his wife Cunegunda; he was canonized in 1146, and she was canonized in 1200. from Saints and Feast Days , by Sisters of Notre Dame of Chardon, Ohio Image credit: Sacramentary of …
Saint Henry, King of Germany and Emperor of the Holy Roman …
His father died when his son was 23 years old, and Saint Henry assumed the paternal title of Duke of Bavaria. It was at this time that he married Cunegundes, the holy spouse whom God …
St. Henry, Emperor - TheCatholicSpirit.com
Jul 12, 2019 · St. Henry died in his Grona palace near Gottingen, Germany, on July 13, 1024, at the age of 51, and was buried in the Bamberg cathedral. Pope Eugene III canonized him a …
Henry - The Emperor Who Became a Saint - Crossroads Initiative
Jul 7, 2024 · St. Henry II was born in Bavaria in 973. He succeeded his father in ruling Bavaria as duke and was later elected Holy Roman Emperor in 1014. He proved extraordinary in his work …
The Catholic Defender: Saint Henry - deeper-truth-blog
Immediately after Henry's death, his legend records, many miracles began to occur around his tomb and in the surrounding towns: children were raised from the dead, a blind woman's …
Saint Henry II: A King, Emperor and Beloved Christian Leader
Jul 13, 2023 · After being ill for many years, Saint Henry II died on July 13th, 1024, in Göttingen, Germany, at the age of 51. The public mourned sincerely for the emperor who had managed to …
St. Henry - Saint of the Day
In the year 1002, six years after St. Henry became the Duke of Bavaria, his cousin Otto 11, the King of Germany, suddenly died from a severe fever at the young age of 21, leaving no child …
Saint Henry - Lives Of The Saints
Jun 8, 2022 · In 1024, he died at his castle in Grone, near Halberstadt. His commitment to the church throughout his life and virtues earned him canonization in 1146. St. Henry, you did not …
Saint Henry - uCatholic
Jul 13, 2024 · His rise to power commenced in 995, when he succeeded his father as Duke of Bavaria. Upon the death of his cousin, Otho III, in 1002, he was elected as Emperor. Despite …
Saint Henry - Newman Connection - Newman Ministry
His holy death occurred at the castle of Grone, near Halberstad in 1024. He is the patron saint of the childless, of Dukes, of the handicapped and those rejected by Religious Orders. Practical …