what is turkey's national bird - Search
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  1. The Redwing: National Bird of Turkey - A-Z Animals

    • The national bird of Turkey is the redwing,a medium-sized thrush bird that looks similar to an American robin. Instead of a read breast, it has a red patch on the underside of its wing. Their breasts are cream-co… See more

    How Big Are Redwings?

    Redwings are smaller than American robins, around 8-9 inches long with a wingspan around 1 foot wide. These are lightweight birds, weighing anywhere from 50-75 g. Th… See more

    AZ Animals
    Where Do Redwings Live?

    Redwings live in Europe and northern Asia and have a very large range. They live as far north as … See more

    AZ Animals
    Are Redwings An Endangered Species?

    According to the IUCN, the global population of redwings is declining. It is not an endangered species but it is “Near Threatened” on a global scale. The IUCN last assess… See more

    AZ Animals
    Why Is The Turkey Not The National Bird of Turkey?

    The two Turkeys are actually unrelated. The country of Turkey existed first, before the bird was named. When European settlers found turkeys in North America, they thoug… See more

    AZ Animals
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