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  1. Stefan–Boltzmann law - Wikipedia

    • The Stefan–Boltzmann law, also known as Stefan's law, describes the intensity of the thermal radiation emitted by matter in terms of that matter's temperature. It is named for Josef Stefan, who empirically derived the relationship, and Ludwig Boltzmann who derived the law theoretically. For an ideal absorber/emitter or black body, the Stefan–Boltzmann law states tha… See more

    Detailed explanation

    The radiant exitance (previously called radiant emittance), , has dimensions of energy flux (energy per unit time per … See more


    In 1864, John Tyndall presented measurements of the infrared emission by a platinum filament and the corresponding color of the filament. The proportionality to the fourth power of the absolute temperatur… See more

    Stefan–Boltzmann constant

    The Stefan–Boltzmann constant, σ, is derived from other known physical constants: where k is the Boltzmann constant, the h is the Planck constant, and c is the speed of light in vacuum.
    As of the … See more


    With his law, Stefan also determined the temperature of the Sun's surface. He inferred from the data of Jacques-Louis Soret (1827–1890) that the energy flux density from the Sun is 29 times greater than the en… See more


    The fact that the energy density of the box containing radiation is proportional to can be derived using thermodynamics. This derivation uses the relation between the radiation pressure p and the internal energy density , … See more

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  1. Stefan-Boltzmann constant · σ
    5.670374419 × 10-8
    The Stefan-Boltzmann constant is the constant of proportionality in the Stefan-Boltzmann law. It is used to measure the amount of heat that is emitted by a black body, as well as to calculate the temperatures of stars.

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    The Stefan-Boltzmann law describes the power radiated from a black body in terms of its temperature. Specifically, that the black-body radiant emittance is directly proportional to the fourth power of the black body's thermodynamic temperature.
    J* = σT4
    J*=Black-body radiant emittance · T=thermodynamic temperature · σ=Stefan-Boltzmann constant
    Using the law, he formulated, Josef Stefan was able to determine the temperature of the sun's surface as well as the temperature of other stars, and the surface of the earth. Stefan calculated the temperature of the sun to be 5700 K (5778 K is the currently accepted value). This was the first time any accurate measurement of the sun's temperature was made.
    L = 4πR2σTe4
    L=luminosity · R=radius of star · Te=surface temperature of star · σ=Stefan-Boltzmann constant

    Explore more science constants

  2. Stefan-Boltzmann Constant - Value, Formula, Applications - BYJU'S

  3. Stefan Boltzmann Law: Definition, Formula, Constant, & Derivation

  4. Stefan-Boltzmann law | Definition & Facts | Britannica

    Dec 27, 2024 · Stefan-Boltzmann law, statement that the total radiant heat power emitted from a surface is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. The law applies only to blackbodies, theoretical surfaces that …

  5. What is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant? - TechTarget

    The Stefan-Boltzmann constant, symbolized by the lowercase Greek letter sigma (σ), is a physical constant expressing the relationship between the heat radiation emitted by a black body and its absolute temperature.

  6. Stefan Boltzmann Law - Derivation, Formula, …

    Learn the definition, formula and derivation of Stefan Boltzmann law, which relates the temperature and radiation of a black body. Find examples, problems and FAQs on this topic.

  7. Stefan-Boltzmann Constant - Value, Formula and …

    Jul 24, 2023 · The Stefan Boltzmann Constant is a physical constant that is associated with the explanation of the Stefan Boltzmann Law of Blackbody Radiation. This constant has the value \(5.670374419 × 10^{−8} …

  8. Stefan-Boltzmann constant - Energy Education

  9. Stefan-Boltzmann Constant - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

  10. Stefan Boltzmann Constant - Value, Dimensional Formula, SI

  11. Stefan-Boltzmann Law: Statement and Formula

    Feb 1, 2023 · The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that “the total radiant power emitted by a surface across all wavelengths is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature”. The law generally applies to black bodies that …

  12. The Stefan-Boltzmann Law - JILA

  13. Stefan-Boltzmann law: statement, constant & formula derivation

  14. Boltzmann constant - Wikipedia

  15. Stefan-Boltzmann Constant - (Principles of Physics III) - Fiveable

  16. σ (Stefan-Boltzmann constant) - (Heat and Mass Transfer)

  17. What is the Boltzmann Constant? - Universe Today

  18. Stefan Boltzmann Constant - Online Tutorials Library

  19. Stefan-Boltzmann Constant - Vocab, Definition, and Must Know …

  20. Stefan's Law: Stefan-Boltzmann Constant, Examples

  21. Stefan-Boltzmann law | Description, Example & Application - Your …