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  1. Dictionary
    communication (noun) · communications (plural noun)
    1. the imparting or exchanging of information or news:
      "at the moment I am in communication with London" · "direct communication between the two countries will produce greater understanding"
      • a letter or message containing information or news:
        "a telephone communication"
      • the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings:
        "there was a lack of communication between Pamela and her parents"
      • social contact:
        "she gave him some hope of her return, or at least of their future communication"
    2. (communications)
      means of sending or receiving information, such as phone lines or computers:
      "satellite communications" · "a communications network"
      • the field of study concerned with the transmission of information by various means.
    3. (communications)
      the means of traveling or of transporting goods, such as roads or railroads:
      "a city providing excellent road and rail communications"
    late Middle English: from Old French comunicacion, from Latin communicatio(n-), from the verb communicare ‘to share’ (see communicate).
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