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- nounslag (noun) · slags (plural noun)
- stony waste matter separated from metals during the smelting or refining of ore:"the burning liquid iron was forming a scum of slag"
- similar material produced by a volcano; scoria:"flow after flow of lava, slags, powders, and ejecta cast upon the previous outpourings in grotesque patterns"
- BRITISH ENGLISHoffensivederogatorya woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships.
verbslag (verb) · slags (third person present) · slagged (past tense) · slagged (past participle) · slagging (present participle)- BRITISH ENGLISHinformalcriticize in an abusive and insulting manner:"the film has been slagged by many critics for its improbable plot"Similar:find fault withdisapprove ofcarp atcavil atrail againstinveigh againstcast aspersions ongive a bad press tonitpick aboutthrow brickbats atgive flak topull to pieceshit out atgive some stick tovituperate againstanimadvert on
- produce deposits of slag:"most of the other contained materials are slagged"
verb- produce deposits of slag.
Originmid 16th century: from Middle Low German slagge, perhaps from slagen ‘strike’, with reference to fragments formed by hammering. The verb sense ‘criticize’ dates from the 1970s. Slag-What is it Good for? | U.S. Geological Survey
Jun 29, 2017 · Slag is the byproduct of metal smelting or refining, but it can also have beneficial uses for neutralizing acid mine drainage and absorbing excess phosphate in water. Learn how USGS research shows that slag can be an …
Slag Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of SLAG is the dross or scoria of a metal.
Slag | Iron Smelting, Steelmaking, Refining | Britannica
Slag is a by-product of smelting, welding, and other processes that contains impurities from metals or ores. It floats on the molten metal and protects it …
Characteristics and environmental aspects of slag: a review
May 13, 2015 · Slag is a waste product from the pyrometallurgical processing of various ores. It has different mineralogical and geochemical characteristics depending on the metallurgical …
- DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.04.009
- Publication Year: 2015
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Slag: From By-product to Valuable Construction Material
Jul 29, 2014 · Slag is a by-product of metallurgical smelting that removes impurities from the melt and controls the process. Learn how slag is composed, recycled, and reused in various building materials, and how to analyze its …
SLAG | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Slag is a noun that can mean waste material from mining or metal processing, or an offensive word for a woman with many sexual partners. Learn how to use slag in different contexts and …
SLAG Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
In slang, slag is an insulting British English term for a contemptible person. When used of women, it can be equivalent to slut. As a verb, to slag (off somebody) is “to attack (them) verbally,” i.e., …
What is Slag? explain with an example. - Vedantu
Slag is mainly the oxides of elements like sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, and aluminium. It can also be in the form of metal phosphates or silicates. The molten metal is separated from the …
What Is Slag And Can It Be Used For Anything - trudtox.com
Sep 7, 2024 · What Is Slag And Is There Any Use For It? Slag is a by-product of the metallurgical smelting process, which allows the removal of impurities like gangue from the melt by forming …
What is Slag? - Spiegato
Slag is a byproduct of metal smelting, and hundreds of tons of it are produced every year all over the world in the process of refining metals and making alloys. Like other industrial byproducts, …
Slag Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
Learn the different meanings of slag as a noun and a verb in British English. Slag can refer to the waste material from metal extraction, a woman with many sexual partners, or a way of …
Slag - Corrosionpedia
Jul 19, 2024 · Slag is the glassy by-product of smelting metal from ore. It contains impurities and protects the liquid metal, and can be used for various purposes such as concrete, fertilizer, or …
SLAG - Meaning & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
Slag is a molten oxide that floats on the surface of a molten metal and protects it. More . Conjugations of 'slag' present simple: I slag, you slag [...] past simple: I slagged, you slagged …
SLAG | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Slag is a noun that can mean waste material produced when coal is dug from the ground, or a substance produced by mixing chemicals with metal to remove unwanted substances. Slag …
slag, n.¹ meanings, etymology and more - Oxford English Dictionary
Slag is a noun with nine meanings, two of which are offensive and derogatory. It can refer to waste material from metal production, rock fragments, coal waste, or a person who is …
Flexi answers - What is a slag? - CK-12 Foundation
In metallurgy, slag refers to the waste product generated as a result of metallurgical reactions. It is typically formed from the silicate and oxide impurities present in the metal ores during the …
What Is Slag and What Is It Good For? - Jet Blast® Industrial and ...
Slag is a byproduct of metallurgical smelting that can be recycled into various products. Jet Blast Inc. offers water blasting and vacuuming services to remove slag from industrial equipment …
Slags: An In-depth Look At Their Fundamentals
Sep 18, 2024 · Slags are byproducts of metal manufacturing processes, primarily consisting of metal oxides, sulfides, and elemental metals. Typically, their composition varies based on the …
slag | meaning of slag in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary …
slag meaning, definition, what is slag: a very offensive word for a woman who ha...: Learn more.
Slag Meaning Slang: Understanding the Terms and Their Context
Nov 23, 2024 · What is ‘Slag’? The term ‘slag’ has various meanings, depending on context. Primarily, it can refer to: A byproduct from the smelting process of ores. A derogatory term …