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  1. Text Symbols 101: Explore Hidden Meanings in …

    • Some of the most commonly used texting symbols are those that represent basic emotions, such as For a smiley face or For a frown. Other basic symbols include: 1. LOLLaughing Out Loud: This abbreviation i… See more


    With the increasing popularity of texting as a means of communication, a number of abbreviated terms have emerged, including the widely-used “LOL”. These abbreviations serve as a … See more


    Have you ever used an emoticon in a text message to convey an emotion? Emoticons serve as pictorial representations of emotions ranging from joy and contentment to sorrow a… See more


    Acronyms are an abbreviation formed by using the first letter of each word in a phrase. Some of the most commonly used acronyms in texting include: 1. ASAP: As soon as po… See more

    Symbols For Texting Messages

    Finally, several symbols are used in text to convey a particular message or meaning. Some of the most commonly used symbols include: 1. @ for “at” (as in, “I’ll meet you @ the park”) 2… See more

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