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    define (verb) · defines (third person present) · defined (past tense) · defined (past participle) · defining (present participle)
    1. state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of:
      "the contract will seek to define the client's obligations"
      • give the meaning of (a word or phrase), especially in a dictionary:
        "the dictionary defines it as “a type of pasture”"
      • make up or establish the character of:
        "for some, the football team defines their identity"
    2. mark out the boundary or limits of:
      "the river defines the park's boundary"
      • make clear the outline of; delineate:
        "she defined her eyes by applying eyeshadow"
    late Middle English (also in the sense ‘bring to an end’): from Old French definer, from a variant of Latin definire, from de- (expressing completion) + finire ‘finish’ (from finis ‘end’).
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