what distinguishes homonyms from homographs - Search
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  1. Homophone vs. Homonym vs. Homograph: What’s …

    • There is a helpful way to tell the difference between the words homophone, homograph, and homonym: knowing what their endings mean can help you remember how they’re used. Homophone,homon… See more

    Homonym Examples

    As we’ve just explained, the term homonym can refer to both a homophone and a homograph, so we’ve broken them down into two separate lists. The items from both lists can b… See more

    Homophone Examples

    Here are just some of the many examples of homophonesin English: 1. there | their| they’re 2. to | too | two 3. its| it’s 4. your| you’re 5. whose| who’s 6. by | buy | bye 7. I | eye 8. se… See more

    Homograph Examples

    It’s impossible to count how many words are homographsbecause so many words have more than one meaning. We’ll separate this list into homographsthat are pronounce… See more

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