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- Founded in around 764 during the reign of King Pippin, the father of Charlemagne, the abbey was a centre of power, spirituality and culture in the Holy Roman Empire until well into the High Middle Ages.welterbedeutschland.de/lorsch-abbey/
Time and again in the history of the Abbey of St. Nazarius, particularly outstanding events have underlined this character: On September 1, 774, for example, when Charlemagne attended the consecration of the Nazarius Basilica in Lorsch with a large entourage on his way from Italy to …
See results only from kloster-lorsch.deArchaeology & building hi…
As the oldest Hessian World Heritage Site within the UNESCO Bergstrasse …
Altenmünster Monastery
While the monastery grounds with the gate hall can easily attract the attention of …
In 1991, Lorsch Abbey was the first monument in Hesse to be included in …
Archaeology & building history - UNESCO …
As the oldest Hessian World Heritage Site within the UNESCO Bergstrasse-Odenwald Geopark, Lorsch has also been honored with a link to the UNESCO “Memory of the World” program via the “Lorsch Pharmacopoeia” since 2013 …
History | Lorsch Abbey and Lauresham | Staatliche Schlösser und …
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Kloster Lorsch - UNESCO-Welterbestätten Deutschland e. V.
Museum Centre | Lorsch Abbey and Lauresham | Staatliche …
The visitor can learn about the history of scientific archaeology on site by means of old photographs and receives an introduction to the history and significance of the scriptorium and …
Kloster Lorsch – Wikipedia
Das Kloster Lorsch (St. Nazarius) war eine Benediktinerabtei in Lorsch im Landkreis Bergstraße in Deutschland. Es wurde um 764 gegründet und war bis zum Hochmittelalter als …
Lorsch Abbey and Lauresham | Staatliche Schlösser …
The UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lorsch Abbey – halfway between Darmstadt and Worms – is a place of concentrated cultural history. Traces lead back from this site to a chequered past that shaped Benedictines, Cistercians, …
- People also ask
Lorsch Abbey – UNESCO-Welterbestätten …
Two thousand years of history have left behind a significant legacy in Germany: silent yet eloquent witnesses to magnificent cultural achievements and natural phenomena. Pressemitteilungen Das Jahr 2025 in den deutschen …
World Heritage Site Lorsch Abbey - UNESCO …
Many people are unaware that the UNESCO World Heritage Site Lorsch Abbey consists of two core zones: the site where the abbey was founded, Altenmünster Abbey on the River Weschnitz (core zone I) and the much larger abbey …
UNESCO-Welterbe Kloster Lorsch und Altenmünster
Das Kloster Lorsch und Altenmünster aus der Zeit der Karolinger, 1991 eingeschrieben in die UNESCO-Welterbeliste, gehört zu den bedeutendsten Relikten vorromanischer Baukunst in …
Kloster Lorsch: Torhalle & Freilichtlabor besuchen - Welterbetour
Das ehemalige Kloster Lorsch gilt als eines der bedeutendsten Klöster des Reiches, berühmt für seine Bibliothek und für das architektonische Kleinod, die Torhalle. Das Welterbe besteht aus …
Abbaye de Lorsch - UNESCO-Welterbestätten Deutschland e. V.
Au début du Moyen Âge, la médecine était basée sur les herbes et les remèdes populaires. Avec son vaste jardin d'herbes aromatiques, l'abbaye de Lorsch était à cette époque un lieu de …
In 1991, Lorsch Abbey was the first monument in Hesse to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The international community thus recognized the significance of the former …
Willkommen- Kuratorium Unesco Welterbe Kloster Lorsch
There are still many unresolved questions about the building history and development of the once powerful imperial monastery. Scientists want to unravel the mysteries with new, …
Lorsch Abbey - Wikipedia
Lorsch Abbey, otherwise the Imperial Abbey of Lorsch (German: Reichsabtei Lorsch; Latin: Laureshamense Monasterium or Laurissa), is a former Imperial abbey in Lorsch, Germany, …
The museum center is located to the north of Lorsch Abbey. It was opened in 1995 and houses the monastery history department on its first floor.
Kloster Lorsch und Altenmünster – UNESCO-Welterbetag
Sie ist eines der wenigen Denkmäler aus der Zeit der Karolinger, das über die Jahrhunderte hinweg sein ursprüngliches Aussehen bewahrt hat und an die vergangene Größe eines einst …
One hundred years after its foundation, the Lorsch Library, with around 500 codices, was already considered one of the most important of the early and high Middle Ages. She was esp. famous …
Vor 30 Jahren: Kloster Lorsch erhält den ersten hessischen Titel …
Vor 30 Jahren hat Kloster Lorsch in Union mit dem nahegelegenen Mutterkloster Altenmünster den ersten hessischen Titel eines Welterbes der Menschheit erhalten. Die Urkunde des …
Altenmünster Monastery - UNESCO WELTERBE KLOSTER …
While the monastery grounds with the gate hall can easily attract the attention of visitors, in the past only a few found their way to the Altenmünster, the small original monastery on the …
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