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  1. 7 Weird Things That Only Make Sense to Catholics - EpicPew

    • Why do clergy wear different colors on different days? Catholics know about the beauty of liturgical colors. Just like you may associate red and green with Christmas, the Catholic liturgy associates certai… See more

    Throat Blessings

    Holding candles up to the throats of church parishioners? Not weird for Catholics, who celebrate the feast day of Saint Blaise on February 3. But just why do Catholics look to Blaise for protection against throat disease? “… See more

    Epiphany Door Chalk

    Nope, that’s not dust up on the top of the door. It’s Epiphany chalk! “Many Catholics follow the tradition of chalking their homes on the feast of Epiphany. . . on that day, chalk that has been blessed by a priest is used to writ… See more

    Holy Cards

    It’s not weird at all to find holy cards in Catholics’ purses, wallets, or pockets. The practice actually goes way back in Catholic history. “It is believed that holy cards first appeared as woodcut prints in the fifteenth century,” w… See more


    They may go by a weird name, but triptychs aren’t weird to Catholics! Many churches have been displaying artwork in three panels since the Middle Ages has been found in three panels. Most likely, these three pane… See more

    Bathtub Madonnas

    There’s nothing like seeing a Marian statue in the neighbors yard to tip you off to the fact that they’re Catholic. But Bathtub Madonnas? Nope, not weird at all. “Often Marian statues stand in a half shell, giving Mary a plac… See more

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