size of a problem visual - Search
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  1. 3 Easy to Teach Size of the Problem Social Thinking

    Visuals are so important. They help students see what they are learning about. And they serve as a great reminder. Many times, students just need a quick visual to jog their memory and get back on track. Hanging a larger size of the problem chart up for everyone in the classroom to see is great. Laminate that puppy and put it on the wall. Visuals a...

    A Fresh Breath on Teaching

    The book What Do You Do With a Problem? by Kobi Yamada is great for introducing problems in general. The book discusses how a problem appeared. It goes into how a problem can feel to someone. Finally, it finishes with the main character dealing with the problem. I love that it never gives specifics on what the problem is. This gives you as the teac...

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    Size of the Problem Activities by Speechy Musings– a great size of the problem card game How to Teach Size of the Problem by The OT Butterfly– awesome activity using cups and different sized balls to visually show students different size problems and reactions Happy Teaching!

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