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- People
- According to 3 sources
When to Use People vs. Persons | Merriam-Webster
Many usage guides over the years have suggested that there is a clear distinction between these two words; people is used when referring to a collective group or indeterminate number, and persons serves better when referring to individuals …
Persons vs. People - Proper Usage & Examples - GRAMMARIST
See more on grammarist.comBoth persons and people are what we call collective nouns, and both are the plural forms of the singular noun person. Wait, they’re both the correct term? Yes and no. Let me explain. The word people is the most common and de facto plural form, but personsis also grammatically correct, just used less frequently and in more specif…- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
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Persons, People, or Peoples—When To Use Each
The plural of person should be people in the vast majority of contexts, although legalese uses the plural persons. Peoples should be reserved for instances where you are referring to more than one distinct ethnic group.
Persons vs. People: Understanding When To Use Which
Jun 6, 2022 · The terms people and persons are both plural forms of the word person, but they’re not used in the same situations. People is generally the …
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Persons" vs. "People" vs. "Peoples" – What's The …
Oct 11, 2021 · Both persons and people can be used as plural forms of person. Persons is often used in formal, legal contexts to emphasize individuals as opposed to a group. People is the plural of person that’s most commonly used …
Person, persons or people ? - Grammar - Cambridge Dictionary
We use person in the singular to refer to any human being: Joel is such a nice person. She’s a person I have a lot of respect for. Persons (plural) is a very formal word. We only use it in …
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Persons vs. People—What’s The Difference?
In short, persons is typically only found in legal or technical writing. But if you’re referring to the plural of person as a collective noun, then the word you should use is people.
People vs. Persons - The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
People vs. Persons The noun person has two plurals: persons and people. Most people don’t use persons, but the sticklers say there are times when we should.
Persons vs. people: What’s the difference? – The …
Jan 20, 2021 · Persons and people are plural nouns for “person,” although “people” is the correct word for everyday English. For formal or legal writing, use “persons.”
Person/People/Peoples - Lingolia
What is the plural of person? Many people learning English are confused by this question, but the answer is straightforward: person has an irregular plural: people. Although the words persons and peoples exist, they are only used in very …
What is the difference between people and person?
Person is a countable noun. A person is an individual man, woman, or child. There was far too much food for one person. Chen is a good person to ask if you have a computer problem. The …
Persons vs People | Differences, Examples & Contexts - QuillBot
Sep 27, 2024 · Both persons and people can be correctly used as the plural form of the noun “person.” People is used to talk about multiple humans or to refer to a group, and persons is …
People vs. Persons - Daily Writing Tips
Oct 30, 2012 · What’s the difference between people and persons? The fast-and-loose answer is that people is correct and persons is wrong; the former word has supplanted the latter as the …
People vs. Persons - Home of English Grammar
Sep 6, 2017 · In the modern sense, the word people has slowly been adopted by some writers as the de facto plural form of person in place of its traditional plural form persons. However, …
People vs Persons - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
As nouns the difference between people and persons is that people is Used as plural of person; a body of human beings considered generally or collectively; a group of two or more persons …
people vs persons? : Difference Explained with Examples
The terms "people" and "persons" both refer to human beings, but they are used in different contexts. "People" is the more common plural form of "person" and is typically used to …
Person or People: What’s the Difference? - Writing Explained
People is the plural of person. If one person in a room is joined by another person entering the room, they become two people in a room. Thus, people means two or more individuals. See …
People vs. Persons - What's the Difference? | This vs. That
People and persons are both plural forms of the word "person," but they are used in slightly different contexts. "People" is the more commonly used plural form and refers to a group of …
The Difference between "Person," "Persons," "People," and …
Apr 21, 2023 · "People" is the plural of "person" and is the plural form used in the vast majority of English conversations. "Persons" is also a plural form of "people," but it is mostly used in …
People, Persons or Peoples: Difference and Correct Use
In everyday conversation, you can usually use “people” as the plural form of “person.” There is a very important difference to consider if you are using it in a more official or formal context, …
People versus Persons - Daily Writing Tips
Oct 2, 2007 · Person is a singular form, and its plural is persons. Over the time, however, many writers started to adopt people as the plural form of person, and nowadays it is widely …
The Psychology Behind Being a Cat Person vs. Dog Person
Feb 28, 2025 · Are you a dog person or a cat person? And if you relate to one more than the other, what does this say about your personality? Learn about the psychology of being a cat …
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