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Unsimilar vs. dissimilar - WordReference Forums
Feb 2, 2011 · A discussion thread on the difference between unsimilar and dissimilar, two synonyms for not similar. Users share their opinions, usage examples and preferences for …
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DISSIMILAR Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of DISSIMILAR is not the same or similar : different or unalike. How to use dissimilar in a sentence.
Dissimilar vs. Unsimilar — Which is Correct Spelling?
Dissimilar vs. Unsimilar — Which is Correct Spelling? How to spell Dissimilar? Unlike; different. Not similar; unlike; heterogeneous; as, the tempers of men are as dissimilar as their features. This part very dissimilar to any other.
UNSIMILAR Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of UNSIMILAR is dissimilar—usually used with not. How to use unsimilar in a sentence.
- People also ask
Dissimilar vs Unsimilar - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
English words similar to 'unsimilar': unchamber, unkinder, unsounder, uncenter, ungender
DISSIMILAR | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
dissimilar The twins may look alike, but they are quite dissimilar when it comes to personality. diverse London is a culturally diverse city. heterogeneous They tested a heterogeneous …
Dissimilar vs. Different - English Language & Usage Stack …
May 8, 2020 · 'Dissimilar' and 'different' are obviously synonyms (which means that there are sentences where they may be interchanged with no or negligible change in meaning, major …
What is the difference between dissimilar and unlike? - RedKiwi …
What is the difference between dissimilar and unlike? - Describing two or more things that are not alike in appearance, characteristics, or nature. - Referring to things that are different from each …
Different vs Dissimilar - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
Dissimilar is a synonym of different. As adjectives the difference between different and dissimilar is that different is not the same; exhibiting a difference while dissimilar is not similar; unlike; …
Dissimilar vs Unsimilar - Diffbt.com
Not similar; unlike; heterogeneous; as, the tempers of men are as dissimilar as their features. ‘This part very dissimilar to any other.’;
Dissimilar - definition of dissimilar by The Free Dictionary
dissimilar - not similar; "a group of very dissimilar people"; "a pump not dissimilar to those once found on every farm"; "their understanding of the world is not so dissimilar from our own"; "took …
Dissimilar vs Unsimilar - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
Unsimilar is likely misspelled. Unsimilar has no English definition. As an adjective dissimilar is not similar; unlike; different.
Dissimilar vs. Unlike - Difference between Dissimilar and Unlike …
What is the difference between Dissimilar and Unlike? Dissimilar as an adjective is not similar; unlike; different while Unlike as an adjective is not like; dissimilar; diverse; having no …
Dissimilar Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Not similar or alike; different. Two more dissimilar pears hardly exist. The shows are both similar and dissimilar from each other.
DISSIMILAR definition in American English - Collins Online …
If one thing is dissimilar to another, or if two things are dissimilar, they are very different from each other.
Unlike vs Dissimilar - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
As adjectives the difference between unlike and dissimilar is that unlike is not like; dissimilar; diverse; having no resemblance while dissimilar is not similar; unlike; different. As a …
DISSIMILAR | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
dissimilar The twins may look alike, but they are dissimilar when it comes to personality. diverse Los Angeles is a culturally diverse city. heterogeneous They tested a heterogeneous …
Dissimilar Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
The two movies are very dissimilar. The writers have dissimilar backgrounds. A not dissimilar [= similar] situation has occurred overseas. The question is not dissimilar to one asked earlier. I …
usage of dissimilar - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Most writers on English style deprecate what is mockingly called "elegant variation", using synonyms purely in order to avoid repetition. Using different words suggests to a reader that …
Dissimilar vs similar: what is the difference? - diffsense.com
The difference between Dissimilar and Similar. When used as adjectives, dissimilar means not similar, whereas similar means having traits or characteristics in common.