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  1. Mole (unit) - Wikipedia

    The history of the mole is intertwined with that of units of molecular mass, and the Avogadro constant.

    The first table of standard atomic weight was published by John Dalton (1766–1844) in 1805, based on a system in which the relative atomic mass of hydrogen was defined as 1. These relative atomic masses were based on the stoichiometricproportions of chemical reaction and compound…

    The history of the mole is intertwined with that of units of molecular mass, and the Avogadro constant.

    The first table of standard atomic weight was published by John Dalton (1766–1844) in 1805, based on a system in which the relative atomic mass of hydrogen was defined as 1. These relative atomic masses were based on the stoichiometric proportions of chemical reaction and compounds, a fact that greatly aided their acceptance: It was not necessary for a chemist to subscribe to atomic theory (an unproven hypothesis at the time) to make practical use of the tables. This would lead to some confusion between atomic masses (promoted by proponents of atomic theory) and equivalent weights (promoted by its opponents and which sometimes differed from relative atomic masses by an integer factor), which would last throughout much of the nineteenth century.

    Jöns Jacob Berzelius (1779–1848) was instrumental in the determination of relative atomic masses to ever-increasing accuracy. He was also the first chemist to use oxygen as the s…

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    The mole (symbol mol) is a unit of measurement, the base unit in the International System of Units (SI) for amount of substance, an SI base quantity proportional to the number of elementary entities of a substance. One mole is an aggregate of exactly 6.02214076×10 elementary entities (approximately 602 sextillion or 602 billion times a trillion), which can be atoms, molecules, ions, ion pairs, or other particles. The number of particles in a mole is the Avogadro number (symbol N0) and the numerical value of the Avogadro constant (symbol NA) expressed in mol . The value was chosen on the basis of the historical definition of the mole as the amount of substance that corresponds to the number of atoms in 12 grams of C, which made the mass of a mole of a compound expressed in grams, numerically equal to the average molecular mass or formula mass of the compound expressed in daltons. With the 2019 revision of the SI, the numerical equivalence is now only approximate but may be assumed for all practical purposes.

    The mole is widely used in chemistry as a convenient way to express amounts of reactants and amounts of products of chemical reactions. For example, the chemical equation 2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2O can be interpreted to mean that for each 2 mol molecular hydrogen (H2) and 1 mol molecular oxygen (O2) that react, 2 mol of water (H2O) form. The concentration of a solution is commonly expressed by its molar concentration, defined as the amount of dissolved substance per unit volume of solution, for which the unit typically used is mole per litre (mol/L).

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    The number of entities (symbol N) in a one-mole sample equals the Avogadro number (symbol N0), a dimensionless quantity. Historically, N0 approximates the number of nucleons (protons or neutrons) in one gram of ordinary matter. The Avogadro constant (symbol NA = N0/mol) has numerical multiplier given by the Avogadro number with the unit reciprocal mole (mol ). The ratio n = N/NA is a measure of the amount of substance (with the unit mole).
    Depending on the nature of the substance, an elementary entity may be an atom, a molecule, an ion, an ion pair, or a subatomic particle such as a proton. For example, 10 moles of water (a chemical compound) and 10 moles of mercury (a chemical element) contain equal numbers of substance, with one atom of mercury for each molecule of water, despite the two quantities having different volumes and different masses.

    The mole corresponds to a given count of entities. Usually, the entities counted are chemically identical and individually distinct. For example, a solution may contain a certain number of dissolved molecules that are more or less independent of each other. However, the constituent entities in a solid are fixed and bound in a lattice arrangement, yet they may be separable without losing their chemical identity. Thus, the solid is composed of a certain number of moles of such entities. In yet other cases, such as diamond, where the entire crystal is essentially a single molecule, the mole is still used to express the number of atoms bound together, rather than a count of molecules. Thus, common chemical conventions apply to the definition of the constituent entities of a substance, in other cases exact definitions may be specified. The mass of a substance is equal to its relative atomic (or molecular) mass multiplied by the molar mass constant, which is almost exactly 1 g/mol.

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    Like chemists, chemical engineers use the unit mole extensively, but different unit multiples may be more suitable for industrial use. For example, the SI unit for volume is the cubic metre, a much larger unit than the commonly used litre in the chemical laboratory. When amount of substance is also expressed in kmol (1000 mol) in industrial-scaled processes, the numerical value of molarity remains the same, as . Chemical engineers once used the kilogram-mole (notation kg-mol), which is defined as the number of entities in 12 kg of C, and often referred to the mole as the gram-mole (notation g-mol), then defined as the number of entities in 12 g of C, when dealing with laboratory data.

    Late 20th-century chemical engineering practice came to use the kilomole (kmol), which was numerically identical to the kilogram-mole (until the 2019 revision of the SI, which redefined the mole by fixing the value of the Avogadro constant, making it very nearly equivalent to but no longer exactly equal to the gram-mole), but whose name and symbol adopt the SI convention for standard multiples of metric units – thus, kmol means 1000 mol. This is equivalent to the use of kg instead of g. The use of kmol is not only for "magnitude convenience" but also makes the equations used for modelling chemical engineering systems coherent. For example, the conversion of a flowrate of kg/s to kmol/s only requires dividing by the molar mass in g/mol (as ) without multiplying by 1000 unless the basic SI unit of mol/s were to be used, which would otherwise require the molar mass to be converted to kg/mol.

    For convenience in avoiding conversions in the imperial (or US customary units), some engineers adopted the pound-mole (notation lb-mol or lbmol), which is defined as the number of entities in 12 lb of C. One lb-mol is equal to 453.59237 g‑mol, which is the same numerical value as the number of grams in an international avoirdupois pound.

    Greenhouse and growth chamber lighting for plants is sometimes expressed in micromoles per square metre per second, where 1 mol photons ≈ 6.02×10 photons. The obsolete unit einstein is variously defined as the energy in one mole of photons and also as simply one mole of photons.

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    The only SI derived unit with a special name derived from the mole is the katal, defined as one mole per second of catalytic activity. Like other SI units, the mole can also be modified by adding a metric prefix that multiplies it by a power of 10:

    One femtomole is exactly 602,214,076 molecules; attomole and smaller quantities cannot be exactly realized. The yoctomole, equal to around 0.6 of an individual molecule, did make appearances in scientific journals in the year the yocto- prefix was officially implemented.

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