chess explained For Dummies - Search
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  1. How to Play Chess: 7 Rules To Get You Started

    • At the beginning of the game the chessboardis laid out so that each player has the white (or light) color square in the bottom right-hand side. The chess pieces are then arranged the same way each time. The … See more

    Step 2. How The Chess Pieces Move

    Each of the 6 different kinds of pieces moves differently. Pieces cannot move through other pieces (though the knight can jump over other pieces), and can never move onto … See more
    Step 3. Discover The Special Rules of Chess

    There are a few special rules in chess that may not seem logical at first. They were created to make the game more fun and interesting. See more
    Step 4. Find Out Who Makes The First Move in Chess

    The player with the white pieces always moves first. Therefore, players generally decide who will get to be white by chance or luck such as flipping a coin or having one player gues… See more
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