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  1. 10 Pig Breeds for the Homestead - Countryside

    A breed that originated in England. The American Yorkshire is a good meat producer. Also considered a bacon breed, Yorkshires produce a high percentage of lean meat on the carcass and low amount of backfat. The American Yorkshire was improved over the years by introducing lines of Yorkshire from Canada and Lines of English Large White from England....


    Berkshire pigs are one of the oldest heritage breeds of hogs. Originally from the Berk area in England, the Berkshires are a popular choice for meat production and possess an easy-going personality. They have a 600-pound average market weight is easily obtained with foraging. Berkshire pigs are hardy and considered easy keepers. Because the piglets...

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    A smaller size than some others mentioned here. Often referred to as one of the bacon producing breeds due to the lean carcass and ability to forage well. The Tamworth pig is considered as threatened on the Livestock Conservancy listings. The Tamworth pig originated in England. The color is a range of red and anything light to dark is acceptable. S...

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    Chester Whites are popular with pig farmers for a couple of important reasons. They make great mothers, and they live long lives. The color should be all white with only small spots of color permissible. The ears on Chester White are not erect but are not completely floppy like the Large Black either. They are known for good mothering ability and h...

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    The Large Black pig breed is known for hardiness and adaptability. The Large Black is a lean pig that does well foraging. The Large Black pig has made a comeback with people interested in raising pastured pork. At one time in England, the Large Black was the most popular breed. The popularity of the breed was due to the delicious meat and bacon it ...

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