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Achilles - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Achilles (/ əˈkɪliːz / ə-KIL-eez) or Achilleus (Ancient Greek: Ἀχιλλεύς, romanized: Achilleús) was a hero of the Trojan War who was known as being the greatest of all the Greek warriors. The central character in Homer 's …
Achilles tendinitis - Wikipedia
Achilles tendinitis is a common injury, particularly in sports that involve lunging and jumping, occurs both laterally and bilaterally, and is often induced in a …
- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Achilles' heel - Wikipedia
The large and prominent tendon of the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris muscles of the calf is called the tendo achilleus or Achilles tendon. This is …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Peritenon - Wikipedia
Peritenon (from peri-: around, tenon: tendon) is the connective tissue sheath surrounding a tendon. [1] Inflammation of a peritenon is called "peritendinitis" [2] or "peritenonitis". [3] …
- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
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Tendon - Wikipedia
A tendon is made of dense regular connective tissue, whose main cellular components are special fibroblasts called tendon cells (tenocytes). [3] Tendon cells synthesize the tendon's extracellular matrix, which abounds with densely …
Why is the tendon named after Achilles? - English …
Mar 17, 2015 · Wikipedia traces the expression to a decade before the OED example previously given: The oldest-known written record of the tendon being named for Achilles is in 1693 by the Flemish/Dutch anatomist Philip Verheyen.
Simmonds’ Triad for Achille Tendon Rupture - PodiaPaedia
“The Simmonds’ triad of altered angle of declination (the foot of the injured leg rests in a more dorsiflexed position than the other side when the patient lies prone), palpable gap, and lack of …
Hälsena – Wikipedia
Hälsenan är längst till vänster och märkt Achilles Tendon. Hälsena (tendo calcaneus), även kallad akillessena, är den sena som förbinder tvilling vadmuskeln eller yttre vadmuskeln (musculus …
Achillessehnenentzündung – Wikipedia
Die Achillessehnenentzündung oder Achillessehnen-Tendinitis (von Tendinitis = Sehnenentzündung) ist eine besonders bei Sportlern häufige Entzündung der Achillessehne …
Achilles tendon rupture - Wikipedia
Rupture of the Achilles tendon usually occurs due to a sudden, forceful push-off movement, an abrupt dorsiflexion of the foot while the calf muscle is engaged, or direct trauma. Chronic …
Achilles tendinitis - Wikipedia, ang malayang ensiklopedya
Ang Achilles tendinitis ay karaniwang isang pinsala ng mga mananakbo o iba pang mga isport na may kaugnayan sa trauma na nagreresulta mula sa madalas na paggamit, masidhing …
Scurtarea tendonului lui Ahile - Wikipedia
Scurtarea tendonului lui Ahile este o afecțiune tendinoasă, care anatomopatologic are ca substrat scurtarea tendonului achilian, iar clinic se manifestă prin tulburări ale mersului sau tulburări de …
Tiger Woods Achilles surgery marks an insanely depressing stat …
2 days ago · The latest setback is a ruptured Achilles tendon, which he shared across his social media channels. ... It's a simple grab from Wikipedia, but even seeing it there listed is shocking …
Achillodynie – Wikipedia
Die Achillodynie ist ein Schmerzsyndrom der Achillessehne, also des Ansatzes der Wadenmuskulatur am Fersenbein. Diese Tendopathie der Achillessehne sei „sehr häufig bei …
דלקת גיד אכילס – ויקיפדיה
דלקת גיד אכילס (ב אנגלית: Achilles tendinitis), הידועה גם בשם גידולי אכילס, היא כאשר גיד אכילס, שנמצא בחלק האחורי של ה קרסול, הופך להיות מגורה. [1] . ה תסמינים השכיחים ביותר של ה דלקת הם כאב ונפיחוּת …
Ortopedie - Wikipedia
Ortopedie is 'n vertakking van die geneeskunde wat fokus op aandoenings en beserings van bene, gewrigte, spiere, tendons en ligamente. 'n Spesialis in ortopedie is 'n ortopeed. …
跟腱 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
跟腱,又称为 阿基里斯腱 (源于 希腊神话 中的“ 阿基里斯 之踵”),是位于 小腿 后侧的 肌腱。 跟腱是人体中最粗壮有力的肌腱。 由 腓腸肌 和 比目鱼肌 (英语:Soleus muscle) 向下融合而 …
Achilles' heel - Wikipedia
The large and prominent tendon of the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris muscles of the calf is called the tendo achilleus or Achilles tendon. This is commonly associated with the site of …
Achilles heel - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Nov 30, 2024 · Achilles heel (plural Achilles heels) A vulnerability in an otherwise strong situation. Synonyms: soft spot , vulnerability , weakness , weak spot , kryptonite ; see also Thesaurus: …
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