Watercolor Peonies - Search
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  1. How to Paint Watercolor Peonies - Pretty Handy Girl

    Learn how to create beautiful watercolor peonies with a simple step-by-step tutorial. You will need watercolors, brushes and watercolor paper, and some tips and tricks to make your flowers come alive.

    Pretty Handy Girl

    Using a medium-sized brush to dip into a light, watery peachy pink color. With your brush, create a circular backward “C” shape on the paper – it doesn’t have to be perfect! In fact, it shouldn’t be. Keep this part light and airy. This is going to form the center of our open peony flower. Rinse your brush in the water and wipe it on the paper towel...

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    Now grab a darker pink color with the same brush and form little curve shapes all around the “C” shape we created in step 1. These shapes should be rounded, like little smiles, and different in size. You are basically enclosing the center you created with these ‘smiles’. Some of the shapes should go out – like petals opening up. To give the flower ...

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    To finish, take a very small watercolor brush and a black or brown color and paint some small dots in the center. Then add a few thin lines coming down from these dots to represent the stamens. This final step will really help your flower come alive! All you need to do at this point is add a light green line down from the flower as your stem. Leave...

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