Peony Garden - Search
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  1. How to Plant, Grow & Care for Peony Flowers

    • Learn the basics of planting, caring and pruning peony bushes, a resilient and fragrant perennial. Find out the types, colors, bloom times and pests of peonies, and get design ideas and pictures.… See more

    Should I Prune My Peony?

    Unlike roses, peony bushes do not require precise pruning to thrive. Often pruning is only necessary in the event of damage or disease. 1. Herbaceous peonies:At the end of the growi… See more

    Garden Design
    How Often Should I Water My Peony?

    They are not overly thirsty plants—in fact, overwatering can lead to problems. Give your peony bush excellent drainage and begin watering in spring if you go more than two weeks … See more

    Garden Design
    How Do You Debud Peonies?

    If you want large flowers, remove the side-buds that develop near the base of each terminal bud. However, if you want to prolong the blooming season, leave the side-buds a… See more

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