Oil Painting Faces Techniques - Search
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  1. How to Paint a Portrait in Oil – Part 1 of 5 - Will Kem…

    Have you been practising your portrait drawing for years, yet making the jump to oil portrait painting always seems to end in an underwhelming finish? Or do you walk around portrait galleries in awe with the question, ‘How do they do that?’ Maybe you’re frustrated by your process and don’t know how to change it. But you don’t want to draw anymore, ...

    Will Kemp Art School

    They dry slowly, and for portraits time is essential. Let us start at the beginning. I’m going to keep things simple. 1. 3 easy techniques to learn. 2. 3 basic paints to use. Oil paint– for this series of demonstrations I will be using Artist quality oil paints. 1. Raw umber 2. Ivory black 3. Flake white (or Titanium White) Oil paints are made by m...

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    Oil paints increase in transparency with age, even thick opaque colours. To test for yourself, make a few pencil or pen marks on a piece of scrap canvas or board, paint over them opaquely and then take a photograph to see the coverage; check back the next day and then the next week to see if the opacity has changed. For a tonal study, a coloured gr...

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    A new Paleo diet plan? Fat over lean is the expression painters use to ensure you prevent your oil painting from cracking. It basically means that each succeeding layer of paint should have more ‘fat-oil’ than the preceding layer. It’s all to do with how oil paints dry. 1. Turpentine or odourless mineral spirit (OMS) dries by evaporation. 2. Oil dr...

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    For this first ‘blocking in’ of the painting, we will only be painting with raw umber. For further paintings and for a darker finish, a mix between raw umber and ivory black will be used, however, a great deal can be learned by just using raw umber and white. The choice of palette colour can be a deciding factor in your success. The image below sho...

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