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Manatee - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
See more on simple.wikipedia.orgChristopher Columbus, who thought mermaids were real, went to the waters around Haiti, and wrote in his logbook that he had seen three mermaids. He said that they were not as beautiful as everybody said they were. Nowadays, people believe Christopher Columbus had actually seen three manatees. It is possible h…- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Manatee | Diet, Habitat, & Facts | Britannica
Jan 17, 2025 · manatee, (genus Trichechus), any of three species of large slow aquatic mammals found along tropical and subtropical Atlantic coasts and associated inland waters, including the watersheds of the Amazon and Niger …
West Indian manatee - Wikipedia
The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), also known as the North American manatee, is a large, aquatic mammal native to warm coastal areas of the Caribbean, from the Eastern United States to northern Brazil. Living alone …
Manatee conservation - Wikipedia
Starting in the 18th century when the English declared Florida a manatee sanctuary and made manatee hunting illegal, people have worked to protect this species. In 1893, manatees first received protection under Florida law, and in 1907 this law was revised to impose a fine of $500 and/or six months of jail time for assaulting or killing a ...
- Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
Manatee Facts | Save the Manatee Club
Learn about the West Indian manatee, a large, gray aquatic mammal related to the elephant and the hyrax. Find out about its habitat, behavior, reproduction, population, and conservation status.
manatee - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Jan 24, 2025 · manatee (plural manatees or manatee) Any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae, found in tropical regions. 1988, Tampa Bay Magazine (Sept–Oct 1988, page 60) The ecological importance of the manatee is clear; scientists have demonstrated the dependancy of all components of an ecosystem on one another . . .
Manatee - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The West Indian manatee is a large herbivorous (plant-eating) marine mammal. There are two subspecies of West Indian manatees: the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) and the Antillean manatee (Trichechus …
13 Amazing Manatee Facts - Fact Animal
Manatee are the oceans largest herbivores measuring up to 15ft in length and 1,775kg in weight. They are slow moving creatures and spend up to 50% of their time submerged asleep. They surface every 3-5mins to breathe, but can hold …
Facts About Manatees | The Gentle Manatee
The Amazonian manatee is found in the Amazon River basin, in Brazil. Manatees are herbivores and eat a variety of plants, including seagrass, algae, and aquatic vegetation. They need warm water to survive and cannot tolerate …
African manatee - Wikipedia
The African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis), also known as the West African manatee, is a species of manatee that inhabits much of Western Africa – from Senegal to Angola. [3] It is the only manatee species to be found in the Old …
Manatee - San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants
There are three species of manatee named for the area where they live: the West Indian ranges along the east coast from Florida to Brazil; the Amazon manatee inhabit the Amazon River; and the African variety survives along rivers and the west coast of Africa.
Manatee guide: where they live, what they eat and why they're …
Discover everything about manatees, including their habitat, diet, and why they're called sea cows.
Manatee Facts - American Oceans
Manatee Overview. Manatees are aquatic mammals that are also known as gentle giants. They belong to the order Sirenia, along with dugongs, and are sometimes referred to as sea cows due to their herbivorous diet and slow-moving nature.
Manatees - WWF
Manatees depend on sea-grasses and other near-shore ecosystems for food and shelter. These areas are also the most immediately impacted by nutrient run-off from agriculture, which pollutes coastal ecosystems and threatens manatee habitat.
What is a Manatee? - American Oceans
There are three species of manatees: the West Indian manatee, the Amazonian manatee, and the African manatee. The West Indian manatee is further divided into two subspecies: the Florida manatee and the Caribbean manatee.
Amazonian manatee - Wikipedia
The Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) is a species of manatee that lives in the Amazon Basin in Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. [2] It has thin, wrinkled brownish or gray colored skin, with fine hairs scattered over its body and a white chest patch.
Manatees 101: Everything You Need to Know About Sea Cows
Apr 8, 2024 · The manatee is an aquatic mammal that lives in coastal areas and slow-moving waters throughout the Americas and the West Coast of Africa. Commonly called sea cows, these amazing creatures can grow up to 1,200 lbs (544 kg) but are one of nature’s gentle giants.
Manatees - Call For The Wild - Animal Education Page
Welcome to the world of the Florida Manatees! Florida Manatees (manatus latirostris) are a fascinating and unique aquatic mammal within the Order of Sirenia. There are a total of three different Manatee species: the Amazonian, the African, and the West Indian (which the Florida Manatee is a subspecies of).
Trichechidae - Wikipedia
Trichechus inunguis - Amazonian Manatee; Trichechus manatus - West Indian Manatee; Trichechus senegalensis - African Manatee †Trichechus hesperamazonicus †Potamosiren †Potamosiren magdalensis †Ribodon †Ribodon limbatus
พะยูนแมนนาที - วิกิพีเดีย
Save the Manatee Club is a Charitable organization founded by singer/song writer Jimmy Buffett in 1981 leading worldwide efforts to protect manatees and manatee habitat; Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission เก็บถาวร 2018-12-12 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน