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Where was Jesus After He Died? - Grace to You
Mar 1, 2013 · Christ went to proclaim His victory to the enemy by announcing His triumph over sin (cf. Rom. 5:18–19; 6:5–6), death (cf. Rom. 6:9–10; 1 Cor. 15:54–55), hell, demons, and Satan (cf. Gen. 3:15; Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14; 1 …
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Between Death and the Resurrection - Grace to You
Although Christ is the One who is eternal life itself (1 John 5:20), He did experience a kind of spiritual death—defined not as cessation of existence but an experience of separation from …
Does the Bible Tell Us Where Jesus Was the Three Days …
See more on whatchristianswanttoknow.comThe Apostle Petermakes reference to Jesus going to preach to those “imprisoned spirits” in 1 Peter 3:18-20: “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit; in which also He went and made proclamation to the spiri…Where did Old Testament believers go when they …
Furthermore, it is clear from Jesus' words in Matthew 22:23-32 that He taught that Old Testament believers go directly into God's presence upon death. In that passage, Jesus is rebuking the Sadducees, who argued against the idea of a …
Where was Jesus After He Died? | Grace to You - SermonAudio
Pastor John MacArthur | Grace to You
John MacArthur - What Happens to Christians Who Die? - Sermon 1
And after he died and the funeral was over she said to her mother, she said, "Mommy, where...where did brother go?" To which her mother replied, "Well, he went to heaven to be …
- People also ask
He Descended into Hell? - Desiring God
Apr 4, 2015 · Where Did Jesus Go When He Died? “Following his death for sin, Jesus journeys to Hades, to the City of Death, and rips its gates off the hinges.” What, then, does this tell us …
What Happens After We Die? (Larry King Live with John MacArthur)
What Happens After We Die? – John MacArthur on Larry King
Apr 24, 2012 · MacArthur states that after we die we go to one of two places based on whether or not someone trust in Jesus to save them from their sins. In the second part, MacArthur …
Where did Christ go after he died and before He rose from the …
Where did Christ go after he died and before He rose from the dead? Some use Ephesians 4:7-10 to teach that Jesus went to hell or to Hades to release the prisoners held there and take them …
Where was Jesus for the three days between His …
Dec 26, 2024 · His dead body remained on the cross until it was taken down and placed in a nearby tomb (John 19:40–42). His spirit, however, was elsewhere. Three days later, His body and spirit were reunited, and He rose from the …
What Happens When a Christian Dies? Podcast with John …
Feb 9, 2021 · The Apostle Paul went into paradise after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's just a term to describe the glories of heaven. He went there, heard inexpressible …
Blog Post - What Happens When Believers Die? - Grace to You
For example, Jesus told the disciples, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I go, so that I may awaken him out of sleep” (John 11:11). And Paul described the dead in Christ as “those …
Did Jesus Go To Hell After His Death? - Pastor Ricky Powell
Jul 4, 2011 · John MacArthur seems to hold this view when he writes, “Between Christ’s death and resurrection, His living spirit went to the demon spirits bound in the abyss and proclaimed that, …
John MacArthur and the Blood of Christ - The Watchman Wakes
Oct 21, 2017 · If the death of Jesus was sufficient, as MacArthur claims, this supports the polytheistic Astrothology claims that Jesus was just one among the many pagan saviors who …
Where did Jesus go after He died on the cross? | carm.org
Oct 3, 2014 · The Bible does not specifically state what happened to Jesus immediately after He died on the cross. But, there are some theories based on scripture.
What Happens to Christians Who Die?, Part 1 - Grace to You
They believed certainly in life after death because it says in chapter 1 verse 3 that they had hope. There’s no question that Paul had told them about eternal life because he preached to them …
Where Did Jesus Go Between His Death and Resurrection?
Jesus died on a cross on Friday, and he rose from the dead on a Sunday. So where was he on Saturday? The Apostles’ Creed says (*) that Jesus descended into hell. That may be a …
Where was Jesus for three days between His death and …
Though the Bible does not specify the details of what took place with Jesus during this time period, what is made clear points to Jesus being in "paradise" after his death and prior to His …
Biblical Debates: Where Did Jesus Go Between His Death and …
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, during the three days following His crucifixion and before His resurrection, Jesus descended into Hell, or more precisely, into ‘the abode of …
John 13,Luke 22,Matthew 26-27 NIV - Jesus Washes His …
Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet - It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who …
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