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Crepis - Wikipedia
Crepis, commonly known in some parts of the world as hawksbeard or hawk's-beard (but not to be confused with the related genus Hieracium with a similar common name), is a genus of annual and perennial flowering plants of the family Asteraceae superficially resembling the dandelion, the most conspicuous … See more
Crepis species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the broad-barred white moth. The fly Tephritis formosa is known to attack the See more
Crepis can reproduce sexually or asexually. Crepis is insect-pollinated, typically by bees and other generalist pollinators. Species … See more
The genus Crepis is a rich source of costus lactone-type guaianolides, a class of sesquiterpene lactones.
Phenolics found in … See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Crepis tectorum - Wikipedia
Crepis tectorum, commonly referred to as the narrowleaf hawksbeard or narrow-leaved hawk's-beard, is an annual or winter annual plant between 30 and 100 centimetres in height. Originating in Siberia before being introduced to Canada in 1890, the narrowleaf hawksbeard's is an invasive species. Maintaining one branched, hairless and leafy stem during maturity, the narrowleaf hawksbear…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Crepis tectorum (Narrow-leaf Hawksbeard) …
It resembles the uncommon native Incised Hawksbeard (Crepis runcinata). Narrow-leaf Hawksbeard has 2 characteristics that, combined, separate it from other dandelion-type weeds: the …
Youngia japonica (Asiatic, Asiatic Hawksbeard, Crepis Japonica ...
Tapertip hawksbeard is a native perennial forb with one to several stems arising from a persistent woody base. Mature plants average 25 to 85 cm (10 to 33 in) tall. The basal and lower stem …
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Largeflower hawksbeard (Crepis occidentalis) | US Forest Service ...
Babcock and Stebbins (1938) suggest that largeflower hawksbeard is one of the most widespread and perhaps the most polymorphic of the American hawksbeards (Crepis spp.). In a thorough …
Limestone hawksbeard is a native perennial forb with one or two stems arising from a taproot. Plants are 30-70cm tall and basal leaves are 10-40 cm long, pinnatifid, with a fairly broad, …
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Largeflower hawksbeard is a highly variable, stout perennial from a caudex and a deep, thick taproot (Babcock and Stebbins 1938; Hickman 1993; Bogler 2006). The caudex is often …
Crepis occidentalis - Wikipedia
Crepis occidentalis is a North American species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae known by the common names western hawksbeard, [2]: 119 or largeflower hawksbeard. It is native to …
Narrowleaf hawksbeard - Garden Gate
Feb 10, 2009 · Narrowleaf hawksbeard: At 8 to 20 in. tall, narrowleaf hawksbeard looks like a dandelion on steroids. In fact, this edible annual’s leaves can be used just like a dandelion’s, as a green in salads.
Jan 4, 2020 · Narrowleaf hawksbeard can be distinguished from them by the presence of taproots, clasping stem leaves, petiolated basal leaves arranged in rosettes, multiple flower …
Hawksbeard - Massey University
Hawksbeard starts life as a flat rosette that can easily survive mowing, unlike sow thistle which tends to have a more upright rosette. It can be differentiated from catsear and hawkbit as both …
Crepis Plant Growing & Care Guide for Gardeners
Nov 22, 2023 · Learn how to grow Crepis plants, also known as hawksbeard, dandelion, and other names, in your garden. Find out their characteristics, requirements, propagation, and …
Western Hawksbeard (Crepis occidentalis) - Botanical Realm
Dec 24, 2024 · Western Hawksbeard is a perennial herbaceous plant that thrives in a variety of environments, particularly in grasslands and open forests of western North America. With its …
Crepis capillaris - Wikipedia
Crepis capillaris, the smooth hawksbeard, is a species of flowering plant in the tribe Cichorieae within the family Asteraceae, and is native to Europe. It has become naturalized in other lands …
Smooth Hawksbeard Plant – Identification, Uses & Care Tips
Crepis capillaris, also known as smooth hawksbeard or smooth hawk's-beard, is a species of perennial herb in the Asteraceae family. It is native to Europe and North Africa and is typically …
Beaked Hawksbeard: Identification, Uses & Benefits - Wild …
Beaked Hawksbeard is a fascinating plant with a long history of use in traditional medicine. Its bright yellow flowers and unique seed capsules make it an attractive addition to gardens, while …
Crepis tectorum — narrow-leaved hawk's-beard - Go Botany
Narrow-leaved hawk's- beard is an invasive from Europe, widely distributed across northern North America, and considered a serious weed in some states. This annual is recognized by its …
Crepis vesicaria - Wikipedia
Crepis vesicaria is a European species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae with the common name beaked hawk's-beard. [2] [3] It is native to the Western and Southern Europe …
Narrowleaf Hawksbeard Care 101: Water, Light & Growing Tips
Learn exactly what Narrowleaf Hawksbeard needs to thrive, get reminders when it’s time to water, and join the growing community on the Greg App.