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  1. Dinner plate hibiscus - Home for the Harvest

    • Dinner plate hibiscus is also called hardy hibiscus, perennial hibiscus, herbaceous hibiscus, giant hibiscus, rose mallow, andswamp rose mallow. The Latin name for dinner plate hibiscus is Hibiscus … See more

    Planting Dinner Plate Hardy Hibiscus

    Here are the basics for planting dinner plate hardy hibiscusplants: 1. Choose a site with full sun(at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day). 2. Choose a site somewhat protected fr… See more

    Home for the Harvest
    Growing & Caring For Dinner Plate Hardy Hibiscus

    Here are the basics for growing and caring for dinner plate perennial hibiscus plants: 1. Spring shoots are slow to break dormancy and emerge. It may take until June to see them sprou… See more

    Home for the Harvest
    Common Plant Diseases Affecting Dinner Plate Hardy Hibiscus

    There are a few plant diseases that are common to Dinner Plate Hardy Hibiscus plants. Crown rot is common in environments with wet winters and frequent freeze-tha… See more

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