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- Varied is an adjective and also the past tense of the verb vary. Use the word varied when describing things that are somewhat similar. Various means different from one another, of several types.grammarist.com/usage/varied-vs-various/
What are the differences between these words: varying, varied, …
Jun 24, 2018 · Varied - being of different kinds, having the ability to include difference; Various - a collection of things that differ from one another; A variety of - a selection of different examples …
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Various vs. Varied: What’s the Difference?
Nov 3, 2023 · Various vs. Varied: What's the Difference? "Various" means more than one, several; "varied" refers to things being different from one another, diverse. Various indicates a number of different things or types, suggesting a …
Various vs Varied - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
Learn the meanings and usage of various and varied as adjectives, determiners and verbs. Various means having a broad range of different elements, while varied means diverse or …
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Confused words: Varied vs. various - QuickGlish
In summary, “varied” refers to changes or alterations that create diversity, often used in the past tense, while “various” is used to describe multiple distinct items or types. Using these words …
Varied vs. Various | the difference - CompareWords
What's the difference between varied and various? (a.) Changed; altered; various; diversified; as, a varied experience; varied interests; varied scenery. (imp. & p. p.) of Vary.
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varied vs. various - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
May 4, 2018 · Varied carries the sense that the platforms are different, but it doesn't automatically suggest that the difference is high-end vs low-end. varied adjective Incorporating a number of …
'Variety' and 'various' | Britannica Dictionary
Variety is a noun and various is an adjective; they are related words because they share the same Latin roots. Variety means "a number of different things": I like a wide variety of music.
varied vs various - English Vocabulary - The Free Dictionary
Aug 5, 2014 · So "varied is used for one thing which changes over time. "I have had a long and varied career." "Various" would tend to mean a smallish number of things. There is also a …
Difference between variable, varied, various and variety
Nov 28, 2006 · Something which varies or changes all the time is variable: variable weather. Something of various kinds or different is varied: you should eat a more varied diet; we have a varied response to our questionnaire. Various …
grammar - "varietal" vs. "various" vs. "varied" - English Language ...
Mar 26, 2016 · Learn the difference between varietal, various and varied, and how to use them correctly in different contexts. See examples, definitions and explanations from experts and …
varied/various/different - WordReference Forums
Oct 6, 2007 · Some synonyms of various are "many different kinds" while varied is more like "diverse" or "mixed." Various usually has to be used with another adjective or a noun. It …
italki - What are the differences between 'various' and 'varied ...
Nov 20, 2015 · The difference between "varied" and "various" is that with "various, you're referring to a lot of something. For example, if there are a lot of cars in the parking lot, you can say …
What is the difference between "various" and "varied ... - HiNative
Mar 31, 2020 · Various is used for when there's more than one thing, and these things are different in some way, it's an adjective so it's used to describe something. "There were various …
Varied vs. Various — What’s the Difference?
Mar 7, 2024 · Varied implies a range of different types or categories within a group, emphasizing diversity. Various points to a number of distinct items or elements, highlighting quantity with …
Different vs. Various - What's the Difference? | This vs. That
"Different" is typically used when comparing two or more things to highlight the ways in which they are not alike. For example, you might say, "The two sisters have different personalities." On …
Various vs. Vary - What's the Difference? | This vs. That
Various and vary are two words that are often confused due to their similar spellings. However, they have different meanings and uses. Various is an adjective that means different types or …
What is the difference between "various" and "varied" ? "various" …
Apr 1, 2020 · Various and varied are almost synonyms: both mean there is variety of some sort in the noun they are used to describe. Various is used to describe only plural things like “various …
What is the difference between "various" and "varied" ? "various" …
Various, on the other hand, simply means that there are many different things within this set, intentionally or otherwise. Examples: The old boxes contained screws and washers of various …
various vs. assorted vs. varied? | WordReference Forums
Sep 11, 2011 · "varied" means something slightly different tan the other two; it emphasizes difference rather than plurality. It is therefore not a synonym of "several," of which "various" …
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