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  1. The American flag and other national symbols - USAGov

    • Learn about the history, meaning, and display of the U.S. flag and other national symbols. Find out when to fly the flag at half-staff and what it represents. See more

    History of The American Flag

    The flag of the United States is a symbol of freedom before which Americans recite the … See more

    USA Gov
    When to Fly The Flag at Half-Staff

    The American flag flies at half-staff or at half-mast when the country or a state is in mourning. The president, a state governor, or the mayor of the District of Columbia can order flags … See more

    USA Gov
    The Great Seal

    The Great Seal of the United States is a national symbol used in official documents such as treaties and commissions. The final design was approved in 1782 and includes a bald eagl… See more

    USA Gov
    The Bald Eagle

    The bald eagle was designated as the national emblem by the U.S. Congress in 1782. Since then, it can be found on official documents, the presidential flag, the Great Seal, milita… See more

    USA Gov
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