types of trees in Tennessee - Search
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  1. 25 Most Common Types of Trees in Tennessee …

    • With a lifespan of 400 years, American Beech is a grand deciduous that plays a significant role in the life of birds, small mammals, and humans! Besides providing shade and privacy to humans, the tree’See more

    Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) – Native Tree

    If you’d rather plant a tree that gives back for over a century, the Black Cherry is an ideal choice. Native to some parts of the USA, the tree’s famous for its delicious wild fruits that ta… See more

    Tree Vitalize
    Blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica) – Native Tree

    Native to the USA, the Blackgum tree is a sight to behold in the fall as its glossy green leaves turn into mixed shades of fiery gold, deep purple, and blazing red! The tree’s flowers attr… See more

    Tree Vitalize
    Black Oak (Quercus velutina, Quercus bicolor) – Native Tree

    With a lifespan of about 200 years, the Black Oak begins to produce acorns after it’s 20 years old. It’s an important tree that has a significant wildlife value. Besides providing s… See more

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