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  1. What are Student Portfolios? | The Ultimate Guide to …

    • Student Portfolio Definition
      A student portfolio is a collection of student work compiled over time to showcase a learner’s progress, skills, and achievements. T… See more

    What to Include in A Student Portfolio

    Many types of works can be included in a student portfolio, depending on the subject or project and the portfolio medium. Some common examples include: 1. Writing samples: essays, journals, research papers, an… See more

    Why Are Student Portfolios Important?

    Student portfolios are an important tool for presenting and assessing student work that is hands-on or project-based. They help organize individual materials that are relevant to a specific project or experience, providing a … See more

    How to Create A Student Portfolio

    When it comes to putting together portfolios in the classroom, it's all about letting the students take the lead! They should be the ones creating their portfolios and choosing what pieces of work to showcase. That being said, … See more

    5 Tips For Getting Started with Student Portfolios

    Getting started with student portfolios in your classroom can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be— here are a few tips to help you get started, and you’ll be a pro in no time! 1. “MVP it": Don't try to do too much too s… See more

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