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  1. Colon Polyps: Types, Symptoms, and Diagnosis - Verywell Health

    • There are different types of colon polyps, each of which has its own characteristics and structure. These and other factors (including size and location) can help determine if they have a great… See more


    When describing a polyp, a healthcare provider may use terms to describe its shape. These physical descriptions help the healthcare provider determine how to deal with a poly… See more

    Verywell Health

    Beyond their physical appearance, the healthcare provider will want to determine what type of polyp it is. This typically requires examining the tissue under a microscop… See more

    Verywell Health

    For the most part, you probably won’t know if you have polyps. You generally can’t feel them, and they are usually only found during a colorectal screening. If symptoms do appear, … See more

    Verywell Health
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