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Glomgold's Entrance to Scrooge McDuck's Funeral - YouTube
May 23, 2019 · Glomgold gloats over his fallen foe who has recently succumb to Gold Fever. From DuckTales episode "The 87 Cent Solution"
The 87 Cent Solution! | DuckTales Wiki | Fandom
DuckTales (2017) S2 E10 "The 87 Cent Solution!" - TV Tropes
The "Fun" in "Funeral": Glomgold crashes Scrooge's funeral dancing to "All I Do is Win" by DJ Khaled in a white, sequinned suit and top-hat with dollar sign sunglasses. He would have …
The 87 Cent Solution!/Transcript | DuckTales Wiki | Fandom
Authorities are already calling the disaster "Bridge-mageddon," and the rampant chaos was needlessly caused by Scrooge McDuck, himself. McDuck's increasingly erratic behavior has …
Top Ten Funniest Scenes from DuckTales (2017)
In possibly the funniest, most ludicrous scene in the entire series, thinking that Scrooge McDuck is finally dead, Flintheart Glomgold, in all his loudmouth, hammy glory, crashes his business rival's fake funeral to the tune of All I Do Is Win by …
S1E10 "The 87 Cent Solution!" Episode Discussion : …
I actually thought that there WAS a Chester and that he would pop out during the funeral and that Scrooge made everyone think he was dead to lure him out.
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DuckTales' Ultimate Hater Flintheart Glomgold Made …
DuckTales sets a whole new level of petty for antagonists as Flintheart Glomgold did the absolute most at Scrooge McDuck's funeral
The 87 Cent Solution | Duck-Tales Amino - Amino Apps
Jul 24, 2019 · So I drew moments from The 87 Cent Solution. I drew Scrooge going crazy, Glomgold interrupting the funeral and Scrooge revealing himself at his funeral. This episode was fine but I still enjoyed it. Enjoy!
Flintheart Glomgold's entrance at Scrooge McDuck's …
Scrooge is faking his death in this episode to expose Glomgold's scheme. Looks like a shot at the real life Andrew Carnegie. Quite the opposite. After Carnegie sold his holdings in US Steel, he was so wealthy he was actually embarrassed …
Why was the episode: "The 87 Cents Incident" so cursed?
It wasn't the gold that made Scrooge ill, it was the stress and sleep deprivation, and Glomgold messing with him. The funeral scene inspired one of my earliest DuckTales 2017 fics, …
The 87 Cent Solution! | Disney Wiki | Fandom
A funeral is held at McDuck Manor, with Donald crying at his fallen uncle's casket before storming out. Gizmoduck solemnly plays bagpipes. Glomgold then makes his entrance dancing triumphantly in a new head-to-feet white suit before …
DUCKTALES NEWS | Duck-Tales Amino - Amino Apps
May 10, 2019 · Flintheart Glomgold is in Prison after admitting it at the Scrooge Mcduck Funeral that he Murdered Scrooge. Here’s the clip. Glomgold will appear in court withdrawals …
Scrooge McDuck (2017) - DuckTales Wiki
Scrooge is a white anthropomorphic duck with a yellow bill, legs & feet. He traditionally wears a red coat with a black top hat with a grey band round it & spats. He also wears a small pair of …
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck - Wikipedia
Scrooge McDuck is born to a poor family in Scotland in 1867, where their once royal legacy has been diminished and their old castle, located in Dismal Downs, has been taken over by the …
TV Boards - portfolio
Scrooge McDuck's Funeral - Disney TVA - (Drama, Comedy) For this episode, I was responsible for storyboarding Scrooge McDuck's funeral. Luckily, the story reveals that Scrooge is not …
Scrooge McDuck - Disney Wiki
Scrooge McDuck (also known as Uncle Scrooge) is an anthropomorphic Scottish duck created by Carl Barks. Named after Ebenezer Scrooge from Charles Dickens ' 1843 novel A Christmas …
DuckTales (2017) S2 E10 "The 87 Cent Solution!" - TV Tropes
A page for describing YMMV: DuckTales (2017) S2 E10 "The 87 Cent Solution!". Crosses the Line Twice: Everything that Glomgold does at Scrooge's fake funeral …
Scrooge McDuck Died in 1967 (and Other Animated Duck Facts)
Oct 5, 2012 · 45 years ago, Scrooge McDuck passed away at the age of 100. "But what about Duck Tales?" you ask. Well, so did Robyn Penacchia at Death+Taxes, who also had a few …
The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck! | Disney Wiki | Fandom
"The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck!" is the seventy-first episode of DuckTales. It premiered on March 8, 2021 and is the twenty-first episode of the third season and the final half-hour …
The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck! - DuckTales Wiki
Scrooge 's enemies reveal a secret history to prove that he is responsible for turning them evil, forcing Louie to defend his uncle against their prosecutor, Doofus Drake. The episode is a …