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- Singular
- According to 2 sources
Person, persons or people ? - Grammar - Cambridge Dictionary
See results only from dictionary.cambridge.orgPolski
Person, persons or people ? - English Grammar Today-Cambridge Dictionary- …
English (US)
Person, persons or people ? - English Grammar Today - a reference to written …
Persons" vs. "People" vs. "Peoples" – What's The …
Oct 11, 2021 · Both persons and people can be used as plural forms of person. Persons is often used in formal, legal contexts to emphasize individuals as opposed to a group. People is the plural of person that’s most commonly used …
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Persons vs. People: Understanding When To Use …
Jun 6, 2022 · The terms people and persons are both plural forms of the word person, but they’re not used in the same situations. People is generally the correct term to use when referring to more than one person — but there are a …
Persons, People, or Peoples—When To Use Each
Most of the time, people is the correct word to choose as a plural for person. Persons is archaic, and it is safe to avoid using it, except in legal writing, which has its own traditional language. Peoples is only necessary when you refer to …
When to Use People vs. Persons - Merriam-Webster
The AP Stylebook flatly states “The word people is preferred to persons in all plural uses.”
Persons vs. People – Proper Usage & Examples
People vs. Persons: The Plural of Person. Both persons and people are what we call collective nouns, and both are the plural forms of the singular noun person. Wait, they’re both the correct term? Yes and no. Let me explain.
Persons vs. People—What’s The Difference?
In short, persons is typically only found in legal or technical writing. But if you’re referring to the plural of person as a collective noun, then the word you should use is people.
Persons vs. people: What’s the difference? – The …
Jan 20, 2021 · Both terms are a plural form of person, but English speakers don’t always use them for the same circumstances: People is the most common plural form of “person.” Persons is an archaic, plural form of “person” and often …
People vs. Persons - The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
The Plural of Person - Grammar Monster
The most common plural of "person" is "people." It is possible to use the plural "persons" in certain situations. If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love.
Person/People/Peoples - Lingolia
What is the plural of person? Many people learning English are confused by this question, but the answer is straightforward: person has an irregular plural: people. Although the words persons and peoples exist, they are only used in very …
The Difference between "Person," "Persons," "People," and …
'Person' vs 'People': Not as Simple as You Might Think
People vs. Person: When the Plural Gets Singular
Persons vs People | Differences, Examples & Contexts - QuillBot
People versus Persons - Daily Writing Tips
“People is” / “people are”, “persons” / “people” in English
"person" and its plural form "persons" - English Language …
People IS vs. People ARE - Linguaholic
People are or People is? Which is correct? - One ... - One Minute …
Difference Between Singular & Plural Nouns
Personal pronoun - Wikipedia
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