how to keep shoes from creasing - Search
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  1. How to Walk without Creasing Your Shoes: 11 Tips

    • You've got a new pair of amazing shoes—but you're worried that in a couple of months, they'll be super creased. When you wear your new sneakers, dress shoes, or heels, you want to look fresh. And lucki… See more

    Walk heel-to-to

    Lead with your heels and your shoes will be less likely to crease.
    When you put stress on the front of your shoes (where creases are most likely to form), you … See more

    Maintain good postur

    The better your posture, the easier it’ll be to walk without causing creases.
    Walk with your shoulders back and your back straight. When you avoid hunching over, it'll b… See more

    Avoiding crouching and kneelin

    Kneel down in your new shoes, and you could leave permanent creases.
    If you need to get low, take off your shoes first. Kneeling puts a ton of pressure on creases in … See more

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