easy peonies for beginners - Search
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  1. Beginner’s Guide to Peonies: Growing Tips and Beau

    Peonies grow in Zones 2-8 and are best planted in the fall. If you started yours in the spring, don’t worry, your peony will still survive. You likely won’t see any blooms, but this isn’t a big deal because peonies generally don’t bloom the first year that they are transplanted anyway.

    Shifting Roots

    Plant your peony in an area that gets 6-8 hours of sun daily. Peonies will bloom in part shade, but they don’t thrive like those planted in full sun. If you live in Zone 7 or 8, your peonies would appreciate some shade but will still bloom even if they don’t get it.

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    Plant your rootso that the top is about 1/2 – 2 inches below the ground. If you plant them too far down, they may not bloom. And that, my friends, would be a crime. Why won’t they bloom, you ask? Peonies actually need to freeze for at least a month to ensure blooms the following spring/summer. Next time you’re in the middle of a -40 winter, take so...

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    Peonies generally take three years to really establish. Flowers grown from the root of an older established plant or in a bucket from your local garden centre might have one or two blooms the first year. While peonies don’t need regular watering, it is nice in the first year of planting. Personally, I give mine a slow-release fertilizer in the spri...

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    Do you really need ants to open your peonies, or is it just an old wives’ tale? Does anyone have a definitive answer? The internet is full of controversy. My personal experience is that you do need the ants to open the bud at least until some of the petals are showing. Whether or not ants are needed, they are attracted to peonies. So I would sugges...

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