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  1. Dictionary
    loot (noun)
    1. goods, especially private property, taken from an enemy in war:
      "the rooms were stuffed with the loot from Francis's expeditions into Italy"
      • stolen money or valuables:
        "two men wearing stocking masks, each swinging a bag of loot"
      • informal
        money; wealth:
        "the thief made off with $5 million in loot"
    loot (verb) · loots (third person present) · looted (past tense) · looted (past participle) · looting (present participle)
    1. steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot:
      "desperate residents looted shops for food and water"
      • steal (goods) in a war, riot, etc.:
        "tons of food aid awaiting distribution had been looted"
    early 19th century (as a verb): from Hindi lūṭ, from Sanskrit luṇṭh- ‘rob’.
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