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    inner (adjective)
    1. situated inside or further in; internal:
      "an inner courtyard" · "the inner thigh"
      • close to the center:
        "the inner solar system"
      • close to the center of power:
        "the inner cabinet"
    2. mental or spiritual:
      "a test of inner strength"
      • (of thoughts or feelings) private and not expressed or discernible:
        "inner feelings" · "a speaker's inner thoughts"
      • denoting a concealed or unacknowledged part of a person's personality:
        "it's time to get in touch with your inner geek" · "join a choir and give voice to that inner diva who has been hidden away too long"
    inner (noun) · inners (plural noun)
    1. the inner part of something:
      "using his rock shoes as inners for his double boots"
      • (in archery and shooting) a division of the target next to the bullseye.
      • a shot that strikes the inner.
    Old English innerra, innra, comparative of in.
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