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- The Supreme Intelligence is composed of the brains of the greatest Kree minds (namely the Kree's thinkers, generals, philosophers, scientists, and so on) that were removed upon their deaths and assimilated by the computer, adding their knowledge and experience to its own.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Intelligence
Supreme Intelligence | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom
- ―Supreme Intelligence and Vers
- The Supreme Intelligence was an artificial intelligence and the former ruler of the Kree Empire who embodies the empire's greatest minds. The Suprem… See more
- ―A Kree girl and Yon-Rogg
- Unknown to most Kree, the Supreme Intelligence was actually really vast for most …
- When evaluating Vers, th… See more
- •Dimensional Lordship: Within its own dimension in the minds of people, the Supreme Intelligence has complete control over its own realm.
- •Superhuman Intelligence: The Supreme Intelligence is an A.I., thus possessing an advanced intelligence compared to regular living beings. The Supreme I… See more
•Starforce Uniform (as Mar-Vell and Yon-Rogg): While posing as the Kree traitor Mar-Vell, and Kree commander Yon-Rogg, the Supreme Intelligence depicts itself as wearing the same uniform worn by all members of the Starforce, including Captain Marvel. However, as the uniform forms part of its digital manifestation and isn't a real one, it … See more
Text under CC-BY-SA licenseSupreme Intelligence - Wikipedia
The Supreme Intelligence is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, an artificial intelligence that rules the alien race known as the Kree.
It made its film debut in Captain Marvel (2019), set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), portrayed by Annette Bening. It appeared in its true form in th…Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
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Captain Marvel and the Supreme Intelligence's …
Oct 16, 2023 · Revisit Captain Marvel and the Supreme Intelligence's fraught history as they clash again in 'Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden' #1. For eons, …
Why Did Captain Marvel Destroy Hala (& the …
Feb 12, 2024 · Captain Marvel destroyed Supreme Intelligence because she remembered who she was before and how she was manipulated into serving an extremely cruel regime.
The MCU Answers Captain Marvel's Cliffhanger …
Nov 6, 2023 · The decision to never show Captain Marvel killing a comic book-accurate Supreme Intelligence in Captain Marvel's ending has been explained …
- Occupation: Senior Staff Writer
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Supreme Intelligence Powers, Enemies, History | Marvel
Mar-Vell, AKA Captain Marvel, and his counterpart Rick Jones start off as allies to the Supreme Intelligence, but it later reveals that it meddled in their lives to gain access to human knowledge and genetics by way of Jones, ultimately using …
Supreme Intelligence (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
The Supreme Intelligence is a major antagonist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is a shapeless artificial intelligence that serves as the ruler of the Kree Empire. It was portrayed by Annette Bening when taking on the form of Dr. Wendy …
Captain Marvel Meets Supreme Intelligence - YouTube
Mar 28, 2020 · Please watch: "Lep's World - Part 20 (Complete) " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6lDymrfmsI --~--Captain Marvel Meets Supreme …
Supreme Intelligence (Earth-616) | Marvel Database
They forced Captain Marvel to kill her fellow Avengers and bring their corpses to them so they could harvest their DNA, otherwise they would explode the Kree refugee camps on Earth.
Captain Marvel, Hala, and the Supreme Intelligence
No, The Marvels is where Danvers having destroyed Supreme Intelligence after the events of the first Captain Marvel film was first revealed. And why the heck that flashback scene should've …
Supreme Intelligence (Marvel) | Villains Wiki | Fandom
The Supreme Intelligence appears in the 2019 Marvel Cinematic Universe film Captain Marvel as one of the overarching antagonists. It was portrayed by Annette Bening, who also played Dr. Wendy Lawson/Mar-Vell in the same film.
Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) - Wikipedia
Captain Marvel (real name: Mar-Vell; Earth alias Walter Lawson) is a character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer-editor Stan Lee and …
Captain Marvel (2019) - Annette Bening as Supreme Intelligence, …
Supreme Intelligence : And yet, you've never had the strength to control them on your own. [Carol attempts to blast the Supreme Intelligence, but she is stopped by the inhibitor on her neck]
Captain Marvel's Kree-Skrull Conflict & Supreme Intelligence …
Jan 8, 2019 · Jude Law reveals new details about the Kree-Skrull war and the Supreme Intelligence's role in Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel during our set visit.
Supreme Intelligence - Disney Wiki
The Supreme Intelligence is a character from Marvel Comics that appears as the overarching antagonist of Captain Marvel. It is the ruler of the Kree. Its name is indicative of the fact that it's …
The Office of National Intelligence Gave Tulsi Gabbard Her Own …
5 days ago · Sometimes reality has a sense of humor. Just as Marvel’s latest Captain America film hits theaters, newly appointed Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard walked into …
How Captain Marvel Radically Changes the Kree Supreme …
Mar 10, 2019 · In the film's opening, Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) is an amnesiac member of Starforce, an elite Kree military task force led by Yon-Rogg (Jude Law). She's brought to the …
Supreme Intelligence (Marvel Cinematic Universe) - Pure Evil Wiki
The Supreme Intelligence is the overarching antagonist of the 2019 Marvel Cinematic Universe superhero film Captain Marvel, its 2023 Disney+ miniseries follow up, Secret Invasion and its …
Captain Marvel Directors Explain Why Supreme Intelligence Was …
Jun 14, 2019 · On the home media release of the film, Boden and Fleck sat down for their commentary track and explained why Bening’s take on the Supreme Intelligence was so …
Destruction of the Supreme Intelligence | Marvel Cinematic …
The Destruction of the Supreme Intelligence was an attack on the Supreme Intelligence led by Captain Marvel which led to its destruction and ultimately sparked the Kree Civil War.
Captain Marvel ending explained - GamesRadar+
Mar 18, 2019 · In the latest MCU movie, we discover that the technologically advanced Kree are led by an AI called the Supreme Intelligence who takes the form of the person you respect the …
2 hours ago · As Captain America: Brave New World enters its second weekend in theaters, Marvel Studios has released a new clip from the movie, and it features a good portion of the …
The Complicated History of Sabra, Marvel's Israeli Superheroine
Feb 11, 2025 · Ever since Captain America famously leaped into action decking Hitler 85 years ago, Marvel Comics has been fascinated with the idea of superheroic nationalism.In Steve …
3 Years Later, Marvel Still Hasn't Addressed This Forgotten …
2 days ago · Captain America’s powers have been well-defined since his debut. With the aid of his trusty vibranium shield, Cap has long been a pillar in the superhero community. But in 2022’s …
Review: Captain America Brave New World, Another Marvel …
Feb 12, 2025 · The messy and tiresome Captain America: Brave New World has a few ideas, but it handles them in the most shallow, simplistic ways. Photo: Marvel/Walt Disney Studios …
‘Captain America: Brave New World’ Cast Reveals How the …
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Captain America Brave New World Ending: Where Ross Ended Up
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The Marvel Comics History of CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW …
Feb 4, 2025 · The Powers and Abilities of the Marvel Comics Character The Leader Marvel Comics At first, the Leader’s abilities seemed to only indicate an extreme level of intelligence …