Sunset Garden Zones Map - Search
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  1. Gardening Zones: A Guide to Western Climates - Sunset Magazine

    • Growing season: early June through Aug., but with some variation—the longest seasons are usually found near this zone’s large bodies of water. Frost can come any night of the year. Winters are snowy and inte… See more

    Climate Zone 2: second-coldest Western Climate

    Growing season: early May through Sept. Winters are cold (lows run from -3 degrees to -34 degrees F/-19 degrees to -37 degrees C), but less so than in Zone 1. In northern an… See more

    Sunset Magazine
    Climate Zone 3: Mildest High-Elevation and Interior Regions

    Growing season: early May to late Sept.—shorter than in Zone 2, but offset by … See more

    Sunset Magazine
    Climate Zone 4: Cold-Winter Western Washington and British Columbia

    Growing season: early May to early Oct. Summers are cool, thanks to ocean influence; chilly winters (19 degrees to -7 degrees F/-7 degrees to -22 degrees C) result from … See more

    Sunset Magazine
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