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Luna 3 - Wikipedia
Luna 3, or E-2A No.1 (Russian: Луна 3), was a Soviet spacecraft launched in 1959 as part of the Luna programme. It was the first mission to photograph the far side of the Moon and the third Soviet space probe to be sent to the neighborhood of the Moon. The historic, never-before-seen views of the far side of the … See more
The space probe was a cylindric canister with hemispheric ends and a wide flange near the top. The probe was 130 centimetres (51 in) … See more
The purpose of this experiment was to obtain photographs of the lunar surface as the spacecraft flew by the Moon. The imaging system was designated Yenisey-2 and consisted of a dual-lens camera AFA-E1, an automatic film processing unit, and a scanner. The … See more
After launching on a Luna 8K72 (number I1-8) rocket over the North Pole, the Blok-E escape stage was shut down by radio control to put Luna 3 on its course to the Moon. Initial radio … See more
The images were analysed, and the first atlas of the far side of the Moon was published by the USSR Academy of Sciences on … See more
• Spaceflight portal
• Chang'e 4, a Chinese December 2018 mission for a robotic probe/lander combination that landed on the Moon's far side, near the lunar south pole (3 January 2019)
• See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Category : Luna 3 - Wikimedia
The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total.
Luna 3 – Wikipedie
Luna 3 (rusky Луна-3, známá také pod názvy Lunik 3 či 00021) byla sovětská vesmírná sonda, která jako první získala fotografie odvrácené strany Měsíce. Na Měsíci nepřistála, minimální vzdálenost, na kterou se přiblížila, byla 7 940 km od povrchu.
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Luna 3 – Wikipédia
Luna 3 bola kozmická sonda určená na výskum Mesiaca. Táto sonda poskytla ľudstvu prvý pohľad na odvrátenú stranu Mesiaca . Na Mesiaci však nepristála, jej minimálna vzdialenosť …
- Estimated Reading Time: 50 secs
Luna 3 – Wikipedia
Luna 3 (ryska: Луна-3) var en sovjetisk rymdsond i Lunaprogrammet som i oktober 1959 färdades runt månen och sände de första fotografierna av Månens baksida. Kontakten upprätthölls i …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Luna 3 – Wikipedia
Luna 3 (ven. Луна-3) oli avaruusluotain, joka otti ensimmäiset valokuvat Kuun Maahan näkymättömästä puolesta. Luotain laukaistiin 4. lokakuuta 1959 2.24 UTC. Se ohitti Kuun 7. …
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Luna 3 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Luna 3, hay E-2A No.1 là một tàu vũ trụ của Liên Xô được phóng vào năm 1959 như là một phần của chương trình Luna. Đây là nhiệm vụ đầu tiên chụp ảnh nửa không nhìn thấy được của …
Luna–3 – Wikipédia
A Luna–3 (Luna E-2A-1) (a nemzetközi sajtó megnevezése szerint: Lunyik-3) sikeresen pályára állított holdszonda, melyet a szovjet Luna-program részeként indítottak. Először készített …
Luna (goddess) - Wikipedia
In Sabine and ancient Roman religion and myth, Luna is the divine embodiment of the Moon (Latin Lūna [ˈɫ̪uːnä]).She is often presented as the female complement of the Sun, Sol, …
Luna 3 – Wikipedia
العربية; বাংলা; Български; Català; Čeština; Deutsch; English; Español; Esperanto; فارسی; Français; 한국어; Հայերեն ...
Luna 3 - Wikipedio
Luna 3 esis kosmosondilo di Soviet-Uniono; ol esis la unesma sondilo qua fotografis la fora latero di la luno. Ol lansesis ye 4 di oktobro 1959, ed esis pozata en tre elipsa orbito, tante ke ol …
All hail Luna 3, rightful king of 1950s space missions
Oct 4, 2019 · This final mission, Luna 3, launched sixty years ago today on a converted intercontinental ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. To understand the magnitude …
How Luna 3 first unveiled the Moon’s farside - Astronomy Magazine
Oct 16, 2020 · When Luna 3 ventured around the Moon in 1959, it sent back images that shattered our view of the hidden hemisphere. For millennia, the Moon’s mysterious farside …
Luna 3 - Wikiwand
Luna 3, or E-2A No.1, was a Soviet spacecraft launched in 1959 as part of the Luna programme. It was the first mission to photograph the far side of the Moon and the third Soviet space probe …
First Photo of the Lunar Farside - Moon: NASA Science
Sep 26, 2017 · In October 1959, the Soviet Union's Luna 3 spacecraft took the first photo of the farside of the Moon - a region never before seen by human eyes.
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
6 days ago · Luna 3, an automatic interplanetary station, was the third spacecraft successfully launched to the Moon and the first to return images of the lunar far side. The spacecraft …
Luna 26 - Wikipedia
Luna 26 (Luna-Resurs-Orbiter o Luna-Resurs O [3] [4]) è una missione spaziale pianificata della Roscosmos, parte del programma Luna-Glob.La missione consiste in un orbiter che sarà …
Soviet Missions to the Moon - NSSDCA
Jul 3, 2013 · Lunar flyby missions (Luna 3, Zond 3, 6, 7, 8) obtained photographs of the lunar surface, particularly the limb and farside regions. The Zond 6, 7, and 8 missions circled the …
Luna 3 - Wikiwand / articles
Luna 3, or E-2A No.1 (Russian: Луна 3), was a Soviet spacecraft launched in 1959 as part of the Luna programme. It was the first mission to photograph the far side of the Moon and the third …
ルナ3号 - Wikipedia
ルナ3号(ロシア語: Луна-3 、ラテン文字表記の例:Luna 3)は、ソビエト連邦(ソ連)の無人月探査機である。1959年 10月4日に打上げられ、世界で初めて月 裏側の様子を撮影した。
Luna 3 - Solar System
Luna 3, an automatic interplanetary station, was equipped with radio communication and telemetering systems, a television system with an automatic film processing unit, a set of …
Luna 3 orbit - The Planetary Society
A diagram of the Luna 3 spacecraft trajectory, displaying the gravitational slingshot (gravity assist) around the Moon and the change in the spacecraft…
Luna Fluxá - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Luna Fluxá Cross (Palma de Mallorca, 9 de agosto de 2010), conocida simplemente como Luna Flux ... [3] Carrera. Inició su andadura en el automovilismo en 2017, con 7 años, al participar …
Lunar Trailblazer Fact Sheet - Science@NASA
High-resolution Volatiles and Minerals Moon Mapper (HVM 3): The shortwave infrared imaging spectrometer will detect and map the form, abundance, and locations of water on the lunar …