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Captain lieutenant - Wikipedia
- The same rank is used in the navies of Finland (kapteeniluutnantti), Denmark (kaptajnløjtnant) and Norway (kapteinløytnant). The latest revision of the relevant NATO STANAG standardization agreement makes the longstanding courtesy practice of translating the rank into English as "lieutenant commander" for all German, Danish and Norwegian officers o...
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Kapitänleutnant - Kriegmarine Ranks - German U …
Learn about the rank of Kapitänleutnant in the German Navy, which was equivalent to Lieutenant-Commander. See the shoulder-straps, cap insignia, abbreviations and examples of U-boat commanders who held this rank.
Kapitänleutnant – Wikipedia
Der Kapitänleutnant war in der Volksmarine der DDR ein Dienstgrad in der Dienstgradgruppe der Hauptleute und vergleichbar dem NATO-Rangcode OF-2. Er entsprach dem Hauptmann der NVA. Das Dienstgradabzeichen bestand aus Schulterstücken mit marineblauem Untergrund …
- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Kapitänleutnant Engelbert Endrass - German U-boat …
29 rows · Das Unterseeboot unter Führung von Kapitänleutnant Endraß, …
See all 29 rows on uboat.netDATE U-BOAT NAME OF SHIP TONS 6 Jun 1940 U-46 HMS Carinthia 20,277 9 Jun 1940 U-46 Margareta 2,155 11 Jun 1940 U-46 Athelprince (d.) 8,782 12 Jun 1940 U-46 Barbara Marie 4,223
English translation of 'Kapitänleutnant' - Collins Online Dictionary
English Translation of “KAPITÄNLEUTNANT” | The official Collins German-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of German words and phrases.
Otto Schuhart - Wikipedia
Schuhart married Irmgard Wellner, the widow of his Crew 29 comrade Kapitänleutnant Horst Wellner, commander of U-16. The marriage produced two children. Wellner and the entire crew of U-16 had been killed in action on 25 October 1939; the submarine had been sunk by HMS …
Kapitänleutnant – U-Boot-Archiv Wiki
Kapitänleutnant - Kptlt. - bezeichnet in deutschsprachigen Marinestreitkräften einen Offizier der Dienstgradgruppe der Hauptleute, der dem Hauptmann im Heer und in der Luftwaffe vergleichbar ist. In der mündlichen dienstlichen Anrede ist auch die Kurzform Herr Kaleu gebräuchlich.
Kapitänleutnant Ralph Kapitzky - German U-boat …
Kapitänleutnant: Decorations: U-boat Commands. U-boat From To; U-615 : 26 Mar 1942 : 7 Aug 1943 (+) 4 patrols (221 days) Beginning in the North Atlantic on the 29 July 1943, Ralph Kapitzky fought one of the longest serial actions by …
Kapitänleutnant — Wikipédia
Kapitänleutnant est un grade dans la Deutsche Marine, la composante marine de la Bundeswehr. Il s'agit du grade le plus élevé des officiers subalternes de la marine allemande [1]. Le grade de Kapitänleutnant dans la hiérarchie militaire de l'OTAN est équivalent de lieutenant de vaisseau …
Hauptmann (Offizier) – Wikipedia
Der entsprechende Dienstgrad in maritimen Teilstreitkräften ist der Kapitänleutnant, englisch Lieutenant. Viele Behörden mit Sicherheitsaufgaben in den Vereinigten Staaten haben eine an das Militär angelehnte Dienstgradbezeichnungen, obwohl es sich um zivile Beschäftigte handelt.
Captain lieutenant | Military Wiki | Fandom
Kapitänleutnant is the third lowest officer's rank in the German Navy. The U.S. Navy's rank of lieutenant is equal to Kapitänleutnant in NATO's military hierarchy (classed as OF-2).
Kapitänleutnant in English - Cambridge Dictionary
Kapitänleutnant translate: lieutenant. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary.
Stabskapitänleutnant - Wikipedia
It is grade A13 in the pay rules of the Federal Ministry of Defence and is senior to the regular OF-2 rank of Kapitänleutnant (en: Lt).
Eyewitness - National Archives
Kapitänleutnant Walter Schwieger was the thirty-year-old commander of the submarine U-20 that sank the Lusitania. His war diary describes the attack and the rapid sinking of the great liner as he viewed it through his periscope.
Kapitänleutnant Rolf Thomsen - German U-boat Commanders of …
Mar 27, 2003 · Rolf Thomsen joined the Kriegsmarine in 1936, and was part of the Olympia Crew.After six months on a minesweeper he transferred to the Luftwaffe. in October 1938 and received training as a naval aviator.. For more than three years he served in several air …
Kapitänleutnant - Wikiwand articles
Kapitänleutnant, short: KptLt/in lists: KL, (English: captain lieutenant or lieutenant captain) is an officer grade of the captains' military hierarchy group (German: Hauptleute) of the German Bundeswehr. The rank is rated OF-2 [1] in NATO, and equivalent to Hauptmann in the Heer …
Kapitänleutnant: Bedeutung, Definition
Dec 29, 2024 · Was bedeutet Kapitänleutnant? Alle Infos, Synonyme und Beispiele in unserem 5☆ Wörterbuch!
Kapitänleutnant - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
Oct 4, 2024 · Kapitänleutnant, short: KptLt / in lists: KL, (Lang-en: Captain lieutenant) is an officer grade of the captains military hierarchy group (German: Hauptleute) of German Bundeswehr. The rank is rated OF-2 in NATO , and equivalent to Hauptmann in Heer, and Luftwaffe.
Kapitänleutnant — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
Kapitänleutnant, short: KptLt/in lists: KL, (English: captain lieutenant or lieutenant captain) is an officer grade of the captains' military hierarchy group (German: Hauptleute) of the German Bundeswehr. The rank is rated OF-2 in NATO, and equivalent to Hauptmann in the Heer and …