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  1. Etymology

    The etymology of the word Ἴωνες (Íōnes) or Ἰᾱ́ϝoνες (Iā́wones) is uncertain. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain its origins. Frisk suggests that it stems from an unknown root, *Ia-, which would be pronounce… See more


    From the 18th century BC the region was a part of the Hittite Empire with possible name Arzawa, which was destroyed by invaders during the 12th century BC together with the collapse of the Empire. Ionia was settled by t… See more


    From the 7th century BC, Ionia, and in particular Miletus, was home to the Ionian school of philosophy. The Ionian school, founded by Thales and his student Anaximander, pioneered a revolution in traditional t… See more

    Literary references

    Ionia appears as the major setting in these novels:
    • The Ionia Sanction (2011), by Gary Corby
    The Ionian Mission (1981), by Patrick O'Brian
    Many schol… See more

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